Name: Rohit Kapoor
Institution: Dairy Management Inc.
Current role with ADSA: Director–Dairy Foods
LinkedIn: Rohit Kapoor
- How long have you been involved with ADSA, and what compelled you to join the association?
I started my involvement with ADSA almost 20 years ago as a graduate student member when I was pursuing my graduate studies in the field of dairy product science and technology at the University of Minnesota. Joining ADSA was a no-brainer! ADSA provided me with the perfect platform to interact with academics and industry professionals from the dairy industry who share a common vision. Moreover, the flagship journal of ADSA, the Journal of Dairy Science, is a coveted journal in its field with a high Impact Factor, and it provided me with an excellent platform to publish my research work.
- What do you enjoy most about being a board member?
I consider myself very honored to be able to dedicate my career toward helping the dairy community by increasing the value of their milk by advancing the science and technology of dairy products and ingredients. Being a board member of ADSA provides me with an excellent stage to further this cause. It gives me an opportunity to serve ADSA and its members by leading and participating on teams that help shape various programs and initiatives to help grow the global dairy industry.
- Why is it important for the dairy science community to participate in the association?
ADSA is a unique professional organization that not only helps advance the dairy industry by catalyzing the conception and dissemination of knowledge grounded in strong science, but it also offers a great platform for students and early career professionals to build key skills to advance their career and to be more effective dairy advocates.
- What do you think is the most important resource that ADSA provides the scientific community?
ADSA has a variety of great resources for their members and the broader scientific community in the field of dairy science. I find the annual conference along with the various scientific seminars/webinars that they offer year-round a very valuable resource for the members and the scientific community to learn, interact, and collaborate. Another great resource is the Journal of Dairy Science, which is a world-renowned journal in its field.
- What strategic initiative of ADSA are you most passionate about and why?
I am very passionate about ADSA’s initiative of growing and advancing our profession. People are the key drivers to lead change and progress. Therefore, it is very important for us to continually focus on empowering the next generation of dairy leaders through innovative programs to not only attract students and early professionals to get involved with ADSA, but also to help them grow professionally by providing education, training, and other opportunities, thereby enabling them to further serve and grow the dairy sector.
- What is one pressing challenge for the future of the dairy industry and how is ADSA addressing that through its new strategic plan?
One of the big challenges that we are faced with today is providing valuable nutrition to the growing global population. Owing to milk’s excellent nutritional value, the dairy industry is in a strong position address this by continuing to produce high-quality milk and to fuel innovations in dairy products. Another key challenge we are facing today is that animal agriculture, including dairy, is one of many sectors that rely on our limited natural resources. To address this, the dairy industry is constantly working to advance its sustainability throughout its value chain using innovative technologies and practices. ADSA’s new strategic plan will continue to ensure the timely creation and dissemination of all the knowledge and innovation that we are focused on to solve these challenges, showcasing the great work that the dairy community is doing to make our world a better place.