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Join ADSA or Renew Online Today!

Membership Term

ADSA Membership is based on the calendar year (January 1 through December 31).

Please note that Professionals can now join at any time during fourth calendar quarter at 125% of the full year rate, so don’t delay joining until January!

Two Professional Divisions:

  • Production Division — primarily concerned with the cattle production phases of the dairy industry.
  • Dairy Foods Division — focuses on the processing, product, and distribution phases of the dairy industry.

Membership Types:

  • Professional Membership — $110.00
  • Undergraduate Student Membership — $5.00
  • Graduate Student Membership — $10.00
  • Post Doctorate Membership — $55.00
  • Transitional Membership — $55.00
  • Corporate Sustaining Membership — $1,000.00
  • Institutional Subscriber — please see below
  • e-Membership — $55.00

Journal of Dairy Science®

All individual members have electronic access to the Journal of Dairy Science as a benefit of membership. 

Review the benefits and decide how ADSA can best serve you. For more information, visit our Member Benefits page

Looking for help covering the cost of membership? Many employers will sponsor some or all of your ADSA membership, and we have a downloadable template you can use to make the request easy and effective. 

Professional Membership

For individuals with an interest in the disciplines of dairy science.


Journal of Dairy Science

Electronic access to the top-ranked dairy research based journal in the world is included in your membership dues. Members receive a deep discount on page charges.

ADSA Annual Meeting

Members receive a discounted registration rate to this must-attend, comprehensive, international scientific meeting, with as many as 2,000 oral and poster sessions and approximately 40 symposia and workshops. Features include: first reports of dairy research findings in dairy foods processing and product development, dairy cattle nutrition, genetics, physiology, management, young stock, forages, and biotechnology; numerous networking opportunities with peers and leaders from industry, academia, government, and leading consultancies; and a trade show designed to meet your support needs.

ADSA Discover Conference Seriesâ„ 

Members receive a discounted registration rate to this highly regarded series known for its informal environment and a format that encourages candid interactions, designed to improve learning and understanding of timely topics in the science of food animal agriculture.

ADSA Awards

Nominate, help select, or receive over twenty awards related to accomplishments in dairy education and industry.

S-PAC® (Searchable Proceedings of Animal Conferences)

As the most comprehensive animal production and management conference proceeding database in the world, S-PAC is a unique, must-have resource for animal scientists, veterinarians, academicians, consultants, and members of industry around the world. Members receive free access to Annual Meeting and ADSA abstracts housed in S-PAC, and deeply discounted subscription rates to the full proceedings and presentation database.

Recorded Symposia Library

ADSA individual members enjoy access to a large and growing password protected library of recorded symposia.


Members start each week “in the know” with ADSA’s industry e-newsletter Dairy Science Weekly. From timely topics and important announcements, to the best industry calendar of events, dairy industry professionals turn to Dairy Science Weekly. News of the association is published in ADSA News.

Member Directory

ADSA makes it easy for its members to stay in touch with professional colleagues by publishing an online directory of members of participating clients of FASS. Beyond helping you stay in touch, this unique database is highly searchable for those times when you need to reach out for specific expertise.

Transitional Membership

To help student members transition to professional status, ADSA offers a 50% discount from full professional member dues in the first year following graduation (undergraduate, graduate, and post docs). 

Graduate Student Membership

Benefits include

  • Online access to the Journal of Dairy Science
  • Year-round career and scientific professional development webinars
  • Access to MyDairyCareer online career tool, and other career tools, as a way to easily search and apply for jobs
  • Deep discounts on Annual Meeting and Discover Conference registration fees
  • Travel awards to Discover Conferences (limited to the first ten graduate students)
  • Quarterly newsletter focused on graduate student news and resources
  • Leadership experience and leadership development opportunities. The GSD President is an ADSA Board Member!
  • Social opportunities to meet graduate students from all over the world

For more information Graduate Student Division (GSD)

Undergraduate Student Membership

Benefits include

  • Receive most professional member benefits, at exceptionally low rates!
  • Special low rate for registration to the annual meeting
  • Attend one or more Regional USD meeting (three regional events are held each year)
  • Access to MyDairyCareer online career tool, and other career tools, to easily search and apply for jobs
  • Develop your network—for future study, and/or a rewarding career in the dairy industry
  • Get to know your fellow students from across the US—the future leaders of the dairy industry—and advisors
  • Earn scholarship and national leadership recognition
  • Participate in the USD Awards, honoring individual and dairy club achievements
  • Increase awareness of current research efforts
  • Develop your leadership skills by getting involved in running USD. The USD President is an ADSA Board member!
  • Discover ideas for educational, promotional, social, and fund raising activities

Club Membership Renewal materials

For more information Undergraduate Student Division (USD)

Corporate Membership

For companies and organizations with an interest in the dairy industry.


Corporate Sustaining membership includes professional membership for your representative. Your representative will have electronic access to JDS and can attend Discover Conferences and subscribe to S-PAC at the ADSA professional member rate. Corporate Sustaining Members who require company-wide electronic access to JDS can contact Elsevier for a corporate subscription for an additional charge.

The Corporation is the Member, not to the corporate representative; if the corporate representative leaves the corporation, the membership is transferred to the new corporate representative.

Journal of Dairy Science®

Corporate Sustaining Members who require site or company-wide electronic access to JDS can contact Elsevier for a corporate subscription for an additional charge.

S-PAC Subscription at the Member Rate

ADSA’s latest, high-value product, S-PAC — Searchable Proceedings of Animal Conferences — is the most comprehensive animal production and management conference proceeding database in the world. This unique collection of conference proceedings and presentations is a must-have resource for animal scientists, veterinarians, academicians, consultants, and members of industry around the world. S-PAC is available to ADSA Corporate Sustaining members at a deep discount. Corporate Subscription allows for three concurrent users, and multiple subscriptions may be purchased. Try S-PAC at no risk—five days for only five dollars—to see the power of this unique tool.

Annual Meeting Benefits

  • One free Annual Meeting registration—a $545 value for this benefit alone!
  • Listing of corporate name at the ADSA membership booth.
  • Exhibit booth discount for in-line or corner booth.

Corporate Sponsor Recognition

  • A listing on ADSA’s web site, with a link to your home page.
  • Your company name on the Journal of Dairy Science web site (About the Journal) and in the Annual Meeting Program
  • Your company recognized in ADSA’s Dairy Science Weekly that reaches over 7,000 subscribers around the world.
  • Your company recognized in ADSA News, our members-only newsletter

Please contact ADSA at to become a Corporate Sustaining Member

Advertising and Sponsorship Opportunities

Advertise in the Journal of Dairy Science®

The top-ranked dairy research journal in the world!

Clarivate's Impact Factor has ranked the journal one of the top three in the agriculture, dairy, and animal sciences category for six straight years. Recent volumes have grown to include more than 700 manuscripts and 7,000 pages per year from authors worldwide.

JDS readers represent education, industry, and government, including research, teaching, administration, veterinary medicine, extension, management, quality assurance, product development, and technical services in more than 70 countries. JDS is of interest to those in biochemistry, breeding, economics, engineering, environment, food science, genetics, microbiology, nutrition, pathology, physiology, processing, public health, quality assurance, and sanitation.

Don’t miss the opportunity to advertise in the Journal of Dairy Science.

Sponsorship Opportunities at the ADSA Annual Meeting

Opportunity: a favorable combination of circumstances or events. Opportunity is what awaits those who participate in the Annual Meeting of the world’s two leading professional animal science societies. Members of the American Dairy Science Association (ADSA) come together, often with other international animal science societies, each year to host the Annual Meeting, and to exchange and apply knowledge for sustainable use of animals for food and other human needs.

Participation at the Annual Meeting brings you closer to the leaders in the animal science community. This meeting serves as an international forum to gather vital information for the future of animal agriculture, and attracts over 3,000 attendees from the industrial and academic worlds, with diverse and common interests from around the globe. Interests include food science, dairy production, animal and human nutrition, food safety, animal genetics, genomics, growth and reproductive physiology, animal well-being and management, companion animals, meat and muscle biology, animal behavior, and technology transfer. Meeting programming includes over 2,000 scientific presentations, 100 exhibits, and 30 symposia to stimulate and motivate the world’s leading animal, dairy, and food scientists.

Take advantage of this opportunity — become an Annual Meeting Sponsor!

Sponsorship Opportunities at ADSA Discover Conferences

Usually, twice a year, in the spring and the fall, ADSA hosts cutting edge animal agriculture conferences that address important contemporary issues in food animal agriculture (production and food products). For more information on Discover Conference sponsorship opportunities, contact Joanne Knapp, ADSA Discover Conference Director

Current Corporate Sustaining Members

We express our appreciation to the following organizations that support the American Dairy Science Association and the Journal of Dairy Science through corporate sustaining membership.

Arm & Hammer Animal and Food Production
Diamond V
Elanco Animal Health
Global Agri-Trade Corporation
GPS Dairy Consulting, LLC
Grande Cheese Company
Land O'Lakes
Nobis Agri Science
Zinpro Corporation
Zook Nutrition & Management Inc.

Institutional Subscriber

Please contact Elsevier customer service for more information on JDS institutional subscriptions or visit this page for information (

North America and Rest of the World:

Academic libraries enjoy deeply discounted subscription rates to S-PAC and can request a free 30-day trial!

Please contact ADSA at for more information.

The official journal of the American Dairy Science Association®, Journal of Dairy Science® (JDS) is the leading general dairy research journal in the world. JDS readers represent education, industry, and government agencies in more than 70 countries with interests in biochemistry, breeding, economics, engineering, environment, food science, genetics, microbiology, nutrition, pathology, physiology, processing, public health, quality assurance, and sanitation. JDS has been ranked number 2 in impact factor in the Agriculture, Dairy, and Animal Science category of the Journal Citation Reports 2011, published by Thomson Reuters, with an impact factor of 2.564.

Subscribe to JDS


Available only through ADSA Global Partner organizations and to individuals who reside outside the US and Canada, this electronic membership was designed for those who have an interest in dairy science, but may not have the time or budget to attend ADSA’s meetings or to justify the cost of full membership in ADSA due to a different area of specialization. At a 50% discount from ADSA professional membership dues, an ADSA e-Member receives:

  • Electronic access to the Journal of Dairy Science®
  • Access to a treasure trove of Annual Meeting symposia (synchronized recordings from 2003, with more added each year);
  • Access to searchable Joint Annual Meeting abstracts for 1998 to 2016, ADSA Annual Meeting abstracts from 1935 to 1997 and from 2017 (with more added each year), as well as ADSA divisional meeting abstracts;
  • The opportunity to subscribe to S-PAC® (Searchable Proceedings of Animal Conferences) at the ADSA member rate.
  • Large Dairy Herd Management, 3rd Edition at the member rate

The ADSA e-Membership rate is US $55 and runs for 365 days from date of sign-up.

If an ADSA e-Member elects to attend the ADSA annual meeting, or an ADSA Discover Conference, the ADSA e-Member must pay additional dues of $55 (to reach full professional member dues) in order to then pay the ADSA member registration rate. ADSA e-Members are not eligible for ADSA member page charge rates or ADSA awards, and are not eligible to run for ADSA board positions, or vote in ADSA elections. Becoming an ADSA e-Member is accomplished online and the membership year runs for 365 days from date of sign-up.

If you reside outside the US or Canada, click here.

Online application for ADSA membership by members of ADSA Global Partners is not currently available pending an update.

ADSA Global Partners

  • American Association of Bovine Practitioners
  • American Cheese Society
  • Asociacion Latinoamericana de Produccion Animal
  • Dairy Association of China
  • Dairy Industry Association of Australia
  • The New Zealand Institute of Food Science and Technology
  • Ontario Association of Bovine Practitioners

Join ADSA Online Today!

Join ADSA Renew

If you cannot pay dues by credit card, you may print and mail or fax a Individual Membership Application or Corporate Membership Application. Contact ADSA here , or call at (217) 356-5146