Congratulations to the following authors. The Journal of Dairy Science® recently recognized these papers and authors as being among the most highly cited and recently published (2021–present). Papers are listed in the order in which they were published in the journal.
Invited review: The influence of immune activation on transition cow health and performance—A critical evaluation of traditional dogmas
Horst, E. A.; Kvidera, S. K.; Baumgard, L. H. 2021. 104. 8380–8410. 10.3168/jds.2021-20330
Lying time and the welfare of dairy cows
Tucker, Cassandra B.; Jensen, Margit Bak; de Passille, Anne Marie; Hanninen, Laura; Rushen, Jeffrey. 2021. 104. 20–46. 10.3168/jds.2019-18074
Effects of the macroalga Asparagopsis taxiformis and oregano leaves on methane emission, rumen fermentation, and lactational performance of dairy cows
Stefenoni, H. A.; Raisanen, S. E.; Cueva, S. F.; Wasson, D. E.; Lage, C. F. A.; Melgar, A.; Fetter, M. E.; Smith, P.; Hennessy, M.; Vecchiarelli, B.; Bender, J.; Pitta, D.; Cantrell, C. L.; Yarish, C.; Hristov, A. N. 2021. 104. 4157–4173. 10.3168/jds.2020-19686
Acid whey trends and health benefits
Rocha-Mendoza, Diana; Kosmerl, Erica; Krentz, Abigail; Zhang, Lin; Badiger, Shivani; Miyagusuku-Cruzado, Gonzalo; Mayta-Apaza, Alba; Giusti, Monica; Jimenez-Flores, Rafael; Garcia-Cano, Israel. 2021. 104. 1262–1275. 10.3168/jds.2020-19038
Invited review: Microfiltration-derived casein and whey proteins from milk
Carter, B. G.; Cheng, N.; Kapoor, R.; Meletharayil, G. H.; Drake, M. A. 2021. 104. 2465–2479. 10.3168/jds.2020-18811
Invited review: Characterization of new probiotics from dairy and nondairy products—Insights into acid tolerance, bile metabolism and tolerance, and adhesion capability
Ayyash, Mutamed M.; Abdalla, Abdelmoneim K.; AlKalbani, Nadia S.; Baig, Mohd Affan; Turner, Mark S.; Liu, Shao-Quan; Shah, Nagendra P. 2021. 104. 8363–8379. 10.3168/jds.2021-20398
Invited review: Beef-on-dairy—The generation of crossbred beef x dairy cattle
Berry, D. P. 2021. 104. 3789–3819. 10.3168/jds.2020-19519
Probiotic yogurt quality criteria, regulatory framework, clinical evidence, and analytical aspects
Nyanzi, Richard; Jooste, Piet J.; Buys, Elna M. 2021. 104. 1–19. 10.3168/jds.2020-19116
Invited review: The role of the blood-milk barrier and its manipulation for the efficacy of the mammary immune response and milk production
Wellnitz, O.; Bruckmaier, R. M. 2021. 104. 6376–6388. 10.3168/jds.2020-20029
Economic losses due to Johne’s disease (paratuberculosis) in dairy cattle
Rasmussen, Philip; Barkema, Herman W.; Mason, Steve; Beaulieu, Eugene; Hall, David C. 2021. 104. 3123–3143. 10.3168/jds.2020-19381
Identification and characterization of novel α-amylase and α-glucosidase inhibitory peptides from camel whey proteins
Baba, Waqas N.; Mudgil, Priti; Kamal, Hina; Kilari, Bhanu Priya; Gan, Chee-Yuen; Maqsood, Sajid. 2021. 104. 1364–1377. 10.3168/jds.2020-19271
Precision technologies for dairy calves and management applications
Costa, Joao H. C.; Cantor, Melissa C.; Neave, Heather W. 2021. 104. 1203–1219. 10.3168/jds.2019-17885
Invited review: A 2020 perspective on pasture-based dairy systems and products
Joubran, Alice Moscovici; Pierce, Karina M.; Garvey, Niamh; Shalloo, Laurence; O’Callaghan, Tom F. 2021. 104. 7364–7382. 10.3168/jds.2020-19776
Molecular basis of the anti-diabetic properties of camel milk through profiling of its bioactive peptides on dipeptidyl peptidase IV (DPP-IV) and insulin receptor activity
Ashraf, Arshida; Mudgil, Priti; Palakkott, Abdulrasheed; Iratni, Rabah; Gan, Chee-Yuen; Maqsood, Sajid; Ayoub, Mohammed Akli. 2021. 104. 61–77. 10.3168/jds.2020-18627
Controlling dairy product spoilage to reduce food loss and waste
Martin, N. H.; Torres-Frenzel, P.; Wiedmann, M. 2021. 104. 1251–1261. 10.3168/jds.2020-19130
Breeding for reduced methane emission and feed-efficient Holstein cows: An international response
Manzanilla-Pech, C. I. V.; Lovendahl, P.; Gordo, D. Mansan; Difford, G. F.; Pryce, J. E.; Schenkel, F.; Wegmann, S.; Miglior, F.; Chud, T. C.; Moate, P. J.; Williams, S. R. O.; Richardson, C. M.; Stothard, P.; Lassen, J. 2021. 104. 8983–9001. 10.3168/jds.2020-19889
Key aroma compounds identified in Cheddar cheese with different ripening times by aroma extract dilution analysis, odor activity value, aroma recombination, and omission
Wang, J.; Yang, Z. J.; Xu, L. Y.; Wang, B.; Zhang, J. H.; Li, B. Z.; Cao, Y. P.; Tan, L. 2021. 104. 1576–1590. 10.3168/jds.2020-18757
Predicting cow milk quality traits from routinely available milk spectra using statistical machine learning methods
Frizzarin, M.; Gormley, I. C.; Berry, D. P.; Murphy, T. B.; Casa, A.; Lynch, A.; McParland, S. 2021. 104. 7438–7447. 10.3168/jds.2020-19576
Yak milk-derived exosomes alleviate lipopolysaccharide-induced intestinal inflammation by inhibiting PI3K/AKT/C3 pathway activation
Gao, H. N.; Hu, H.; Wen, P. C.; Lian, S.; Xie, X. L.; Song, H. L.; Yang, Z. N.; Ren, F. Z. 2021. 104. 8411–8424. 10.3168/jds.2021-20175
A novel smartphone-based colorimetric aptasensor for on-site detection of Escherichia coli O157:H7 in milk
Yang, Tao; Wang, Zhenghui; Song, Yang; Yang, Xinyan; Chen, Sihan; Fu, Shiqian; Qin, Xue; Zhang, Wei; Man, Chaoxin; Jiang, Yujun. 2021. 104. 8506–8516. 10.3168/jds.2020-19905
Invited review: A critical appraisal of mastitis vaccines for dairy cows
Rainard, Pascal; Gilbert, Florence B.; Germon, Pierre; Foucras, Gilles. 2021. 104. 10427–10448. 10.3168/jds.2021-20434
Synbiotic sheep milk ice cream reduces chemically induced mouse colon carcinogenesis
Balthazar, Celso F.; de Moura, Nelci A.; Romualdo, Guilherme R.; Rocha, Ramon S.; Pimentel, Tatiana C.; Esmerino, Erick A.; Freitas, Monica Q.; Santillo, Antonella; Silva, Marcia Cristina; Barbisan, Luis F.; Cruz, Adriano G.; Albenzio, Marzia. 2021. 104. 7406–7414. 10.3168/jds.2020-19979
Enteric methane emission, milk production, and composition of dairy cows fed 3-nitrooxypropanol
Melgar, A.; Lage, C. F. A.; Nedelkov, K.; Raisanen, S. E.; Stefenoni, H.; Fetter, M. E.; Chen, X.; Oh, J.; Duval, S.; Kindermann, M.; Walker, N. D.; Hristov, A. N. 2021. 104. 357–366. 10.3168/jds.2020-18908
The hidden cost of disease: I. Impact of the first incidence of mastitis on production and economic indicators of primiparous dairy cows
Puerto, M. A.; Shepley, E.; Cue, R. I.; Warner, D.; Dubuc, J.; Vasseur, E. 2021. 104. 7932–7943. 10.3168/jds.2020-19584
The economic cost of metritis in dairy herds
Perez-Baez, J.; Silva, T., V; Risco, C. A.; Chebel, R. C.; Cunha, F.; De Vries, A.; Santos, J. E. P.; Lima, F. S.; Pinedo, P.; Schuenemann, G. M.; Bicalho, R. C.; Gilbert, R. O.; Rodrigez-Zas, S.; Seabury, C. M.; Rosa, G.; Thatcher, W. W.; Galvao, K. N. 2021. 104. 3158–3168. 10.3168/jds.2020-19125
Effect of preweaning disease on the reproductive performance and first-lactation milk production of heifers in a large dairy herd
Abuelo, Angel; Cullens, Faith; Brester, Jill L. 2021. 104. 7008–7017. 10.3168/jds.2020-19791
Enhanced mitochondrial dysfunction and oxidative stress in the mammary gland of cows with clinical ketosis
Song, Yuxiang; Loor, Juan J.; Li, Congyi; Liang, Yusheng; Li, Na; Shu, Xin; Yang, Yuchen; Feng, Xiancheng; Du, Xiliang; Wang, Zhe; Liu, Guowen; Li, Xinwei. 2021. 104. 6909–6918. 10.3168/jds.2020-19964
Effect of camel milk protein hydrolysates against hyperglycemia, hyperlipidemia, and associated oxidative stress in streptozotocin (STZ)-induced diabetic rats
Kilari, Bhanu Priya; Mudgil, Priti; Azimullah, Sheikh; Bansal, Nidhi; Ojha, Shreesh; Maqsood, Sajid. 2021. 104. 1304–1317. 10.3168/jds.2020-19412
Estimated genetic parameters for all genetically evaluated traits in Canadian Holsteins
Oliveira Junior, G. A.; Schenkel, F. S.; Alcantara, L.; Houlahan, K.; Lynch, C.; Baes, C. F. 2021. 104. 9002–9015. 10.3168/jds.2021-20227
Effects of calfhood respiratory disease on health and performance of dairy cattle: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Buczinski, S.; Achard, D.; Timsit, E. 2021. 104. 8214–8227. 10.3168/jds.2020-19941
Quality characteristics of yogurts fermented with short-chain fatty acid-producing probiotics and their effects on mucin production and probiotic adhesion onto human colon epithelial cells
Chang, Y. H.; Jeong, C. H.; Cheng, W. N.; Choi, Y.; Shin, D. M.; Lee, S.; Han, S. G. 2021. 104. 7415–7425. 10.3168/jds.2020-19820
Structural changes in cow, goat, and sheep skim milk during dynamic in vitro gastric digestion
Roy, Debashree; Ye, Aiqian; Moughan, Paul J.; Singh, Harjinder. 2021. 104. 1394–1411. 10.3168/jds.2020-18779
Effect of adzuki bean sprout fermented milk enriched in γ-aminobutyric acid on mild depression in a mouse model
Wu, Zhen; Wang, Pengyu; Pan, Daodong; Zeng, Xiaoqun; Guo, Yuxing; Zhao, Guangsheng. 2021. 104. 78–91. 10.3168/jds.2020-19154
Invited review: The welfare of dairy cattle housed in tiestalls compared to less-restrictive housing types: A systematic review
Beaver, Annabelle; Weary, Daniel M.; von Keyserlingk, Marina A. G. 2021. 104. 9383–9417. 10.3168/jds.2020-19609
An aptamer-exonuclease III (Exo III)-assisted amplification-based lateral flow assay for sensitive detection of Escherichia coli O157:H7 in milk
Ren, Yuwei; Gao, Pingping; Song, Yang; Yang, Xinyan; Yang, Tao; Chen, Sihan; Fu, Shiqian; Qin, Xue; Shao, Meili; Man, Chaoxin; Jiang, Yujun. 2021. 104. 8517–8529. 10.3168/jds.2020-19939
Meta-analysis of effects of inoculation with Lactobacillus buchneri, with or without other bacteria, on silage fermentation, aerobic stability, and performance of dairy cows
Arriola, Kathy G.; Oliveira, Andre S.; Jiang, Yun; Kim, Donghyeon; Silva, Henrique M.; Kim, Sam Churl; Amaro, Felipe X.; Ogunade, Ibukun M.; Sultana, Halima; Cervantes, Andres A. Pech; Ferraretto, Luiz F.; Vyas, Diwakar; Adesogan, Adegbola T. 2021. 104. 7653–7670. 10.3168/jds.2020-19647
New insights into the cholesterol esterase- and lipase-inhibiting potential of bioactive peptides from camel whey hydrolysates: Identification, characterization, and molecular interaction
Baba, Waqas N.; Mudgil, Priti; Baby, Bincy; Vijayan, Ranjit; Gan, Chee-Yuen; Maqsood, Sajid. 2021. 104. 7393–7405. 10.3168/jds.2020-19868
Chia (Salvia hispanica L.) seed mucilage as a fat replacer in yogurts: Effect on their nutritional, technological, and sensory properties
Ribes, Susana; Pena, Nataly; Fuentes, Ana; Talens, Pau; Barat, Jose M. 2021. 104. 2822–2833. 10.3168/jds.2020-19240
The bioactivity of colostrum and milk exosomes of high, average, and low immune responder cows on human intestinal epithelial cells
Ross, Mikayla; Atalla, Heba; Karrow, Niel; Mallard, Bonnie A. 2021. 104. 2499–2510. 10.3168/jds.2020-18405
Quantification of antimicrobial usage in adult cows and preweaned calves on 40 large Wisconsin dairy farms using dose-based and mass-based metrics
de Campos, J. Leite; Kates, A.; Steinberger, A.; Sethi, A.; Suen, G.; Shutske, J.; Safdar, N.; Goldberg, T.; Ruegg, P. L. 2021. 104. 4727–4745. 10.3168/jds.2020-19315
Understanding farmers’ and veterinarians’ behavior in relation to antimicrobial use and resistance in dairy cattle: A systematic review
Farrell, S.; McKernan, C.; Benson, T.; Elliott, C.; Dean, M. 2021. 104. 4584–4603. 10.3168/jds.2020-19614
Consumer-perception, nutritional, and functional studies of a yogurt with restructured elderberry juice
Cais-Sokolinska, D.; Walkowiak-Tomczak, D. 2021. 104. 1318–1335. 10.3168/jds.2020-18770
Predicting pregnancy status from mid-infrared spectroscopy in dairy cow milk using deep learning
Brand, W.; Wells, A. T.; Smith, S. L.; Denholm, S. J.; Wall, E.; Coffey, M. P. 2021. 104. 4980–4990. 10.3168/jds.2020-18367
Public perceptions of antibiotic use on dairy farms in the United States
Wemette, M.; Safi, A. Greiner; Wolverton, A. K.; Beauvais, W.; Shapiro, M.; Moroni, P.; Welcome, F. L.; Ivanek, R. 2021. 104. 2807–2821. 10.3168/jds.2019-17673
Effect of liquid whey protein concentrate-based edible coating enriched with cinnamon carbon dioxide extract on the quality and shelf life of Eastern European curd cheese
Mileriene, Justina; Serniene, Loreta; Henriques, Marta; Gomes, David; Pereira, Carlos; Kondrotiene, Kristina; Kasetiene, Neringa; Lauciene, Lina; Sekmokiene, Dalia; Malakauskas, Mindaugas. 2021. 104. 1504–1517. 10.3168/jds.2020-18732
Predicting dairy cattle heat stress using machine learning techniques
Becker, C. A.; Aghalari, A.; Marufuzzaman, M.; Stone, A. E. 2021. 104. 501–524. 10.3168/jds.2020-18653
Effects of mulberry pomace on physicochemical and textural properties of stirred-type flavored yogurt
Du, Huaxin; Yang, Huaigu; Wang, Xuping; Zhu, Fan; Tang, Daobang; Cheng, Jingrong; Liu, Xueming. 2021. 104. 12403–12414. 10.3168/jds.2020-20037
Invited review: The future of selection decisions and breeding programs: What are we breeding for, and who decides?
Cole, John B.; Durr, Joao W.; Nicolazzi, Ezequiel L. 2021. 104. 5111–5124. 10.3168/jds.2020-19777
Effects of mannan-oligosaccharide and Bacillus subtilis supplementation to preweaning Holstein dairy heifers on body weight gain, diarrhea, and shedding of fecal pathogens
Lucey, P. M.; Lean, I. J.; Aly, S. S.; Golder, H. M.; Block, E.; Thompson, J. S.; Rossow, H. A. 2021. 104. 4290–4302. 10.3168/jds.2020-19425
Association of subclinical hypocalcemia dynamics with dry matter intake, milk yield, and blood minerals during the periparturient period
Seely, C. R.; Leno, B. M.; Kerwin, A. L.; Overton, T. R.; McArt, J. A. A. 2021. 104. 4692–4702. 10.3168/jds.2020-19344
Evaluation of solar photovoltaic systems to shade cows in a pasture-based dairy herd
Sharpe, K. T.; Heins, B. J.; Buchanan, E. S.; Reese, M. H. 2021. 104. 2794–2806. 10.3168/jds.2020-18821
Comparative estimation of colostrum quality by Brix refractometry in bovine, caprine, and ovine colostrum
Kessler, E. C.; Bruckmaier, R. M.; Gross, J. J. 2021. 104. 2438–2444. 10.3168/jds.2020-19020
An observational cohort study on antimicrobial usage on dairy farms in Quebec, Canada
Larde, H.; Dufour, S.; Archambault, M.; Masse, J.; Roy, J-P; Francoz, D. 2021. 104. 1864–1880. 10.3168/jds.2020-18848
Plasma albumin-to-globulin ratio before dry-off as a possible index of inflammatory status and performance in the subsequent lactation in dairy cows
Cattaneo, L.; Lopreiato, V; Piccioli-Cappelli, F.; Trevisi, E.; Minuti, A. 2021. 104. 8228–8242. 10.3168/jds.2020-19944
Virtual fencing technology to intensively graze lactating dairy cattle. II: Effects on cow welfare and behavior
Verdon, Megan; Langworthy, Adam; Rawnsley, Richard. 2021. 104. 7084–7094. 10.3168/jds.2020-19797
Genetic analysis of resilience indicators based on milk yield records in different lactations and at different lactation stages
Poppe, M.; Bonekamp, G.; van Pelt, M. L.; Mulder, H. A. 2021. 104. 1967–1981. 10.3168/jds.2020-19245
The key aroma compounds and sensory characteristics of commercial Cheddar cheeses
Wang, J.; Yang, Z. J.; Wang, Y. D.; Cao, Y. P.; Wang, B.; Liu, Y. 2021. 104. 7555–7571. 10.3168/jds.2020-19992
A focus group study of Ontario dairy producer perspectives on neonatal care of male and female calves
Wilson, Devon J.; Pempek, Jessica A.; Roche, Steve M.; Creutzinger, Katherine C.; Locke, Samantha R.; Habing, Gregory; Proudfoot, Kathryn L.; George, Kelly A.; Renaud, David L. 2021. 104. 6080–6095. 10.3168/jds.2020-19507
Genetic parameters for rectal temperature, respiration rate, and drooling score in Holstein cattle and their relationships with various fertility, production, body conformation, and health traits
Luo, H.; Brito, Luiz F.; Li, X.; Su, G.; Dou, J.; Xu, W.; Yan, X.; Zhang, H.; Guo, G.; Liu, L.; Wang, Y. 2021. 104. 4390–4403. 10.3168/jds.2020-19192
Fortification of set yogurt with passion fruit juice: Effects on fermentation kinetics, physicochemical properties, and functionality
Ning, Xin; Luo, Zhihui; Chen, Zhilin; Zhou, Chunyao; Xie, Cuiqing; Du, Wei; Wang, Lei. 2021. 104. 4084–4093. 10.3168/jds.2020-19261
Associations between differential somatic cell count and milk yield, quality, and technological characteristics in Holstein cows
Pegolo, S.; Giannuzzi, D.; Bisutti, V; Tessari, R.; Gelain, M. E.; Gallo, L.; Schiavon, S.; Tagliapietra, F.; Trevisi, E.; Marsan, P. Ajmone; Bittante, G.; Cecchinato, A. 2021. 104. 4822–4836. 10.3168/jds.2020-19084
Sex-dependent modulation of immune development in mice by secretory IgA-coated Lactobacillus reuteri isolated from breast milk
Qi, Ce; Ding, Mengfan; Li, Shuangqi; Zhou, Qin; Li, Duo; Yu, Renqiang; Sun, Jin. 2021. 104. 3863–3875. 10.3168/jds.2020-19437
A participatory, farmer-led approach to changing practices around antimicrobial use on UK farms
Morgans, Lisa C.; Bolt, Sarah; Bruno-McClung, Elizabeth; van Dijk, Lisa; Escobar, Maria P.; Buller, Henry J.; Main, David C. J.; Reyher, Kristen K. 2021. 104. 2212–2230. 10.3168/jds.2020-18874
Genetic parameters for methane emission traits in Australian dairy cows
Richardson, C. M.; Nguyen, T. T. T.; Abdelsayed, M.; Moate, P. J.; Williams, S. R. O.; Chud, T. C. S.; Schenkel, F. S.; Goddard, M. E.; van den Berg, I; Cocks, B. G.; Marett, L. C.; Wales, W. J.; Pryce, J. E. 2021. 104. 539–549. 10.3168/jds.2020-18565
How genomic selection has increased rates of genetic gain and inbreeding in the Australian national herd, genomic information nucleus, and bulls
Scott, B. A.; Haile-Mariam, M.; Cocks, B. G.; Pryce, J. E. 2021. 104. 11832–11849. 10.3168/jds.2021-20326
Models to predict the risk of subacute ruminal acidosis in dairy cows based on dietary and cow factors: A meta-analysis
Khorrami, Behzad; Khiaosa-ard, Ratchaneewan; Zebeli, Qendrim. 2021. 104. 7761–7780. 10.3168/jds.2020-19890
Conditions stimulating neutral detergent fiber degradation by dosing branched-chain volatile fatty acids. I: Comparison with branched-chain amino acids and forage source in ruminal batch cultures
Roman-Garcia, Y.; Denton, B. L.; Mitchell, K. E.; Lee, C.; Socha, M. T.; Firkins, J. L. 2021. 104. 6739–6755. 10.3168/jds.2020-20054
Occurrence of bisphenol A in the milk chain: A monitoring model for risk assessment at a dairy company
Mercogliano, Raffaelina; Santonicola, Serena; Albrizio, Stefania; Ferrante, Maria Carmela. 2021. 104. 5125–5132. 10.3168/jds.2020-19365
Lactose: Use, measurement, and expression of results
Portnoy, Matilde; Barbano, David M. 2021. 104. 8314–8325. 10.3168/jds.2020-18706
Invited review: Current enteric methane mitigation options
Beauchemin, Karen A.; Ungerfeld, Emilio M.; Abdalla, Adibe L.; Alvarez, Clementina; Arndt, Claudia; Becquet, Philippe; Benchaar, Chaouki; Berndt, Alexandre; Mauricio, Rogerio M.; McAllister, Tim A.; Oyhantcabal, Walter; Salami, Saheed A.; Shalloo, Laurence; Sun, Yan; Tricarico, Juan; Uwizeye, Aimable; De Camillis, Camillo; Bernoux, Martial; Robinson, Timothy; Kebreab, Ermias. 2022. 105. 9297–9326. 10.3168/jds.2022-22091
Fatty acid profiles of milk from Holstein cows, Jersey cows, buffalos, yaks, humans, goats, camels, and donkeys based on gas chromatography-mass spectrometry
Wang, Fengen; Chen, Meiqing; Luo, Runbo; Huang, Guoxin; Wu, Xufang; Zheng, Nan; Zhang, Yangdong; Wang, Jiaqi. 2022. 105. 1687–1700. 10.3168/jds.2021-20750
Invited review: The importance of colostrum in the newborn dairy calf
Lopez, A. J.; Heinrichs, A. J. 2022. 105. 2733–2749. 10.3168/jds.2020-20114
Symposium review: Effective nutritional strategies to mitigate enteric methane in dairy cattle
Hristov, A. N.; Melgar, A.; Wasson, D.; Arndt, C. 2022. 105. 8543–8557. 10.3168/jds.2021-21398
Dairy farmers’ perspectives on providing cow-calf contact in the pasture-based systems of New Zealand
Neave, Heather W.; Sumner, Christine L.; Henwood, Roxanne J. T.; Zobel, Gosia; Saunders, Katie; Thoday, Helen; Watson, Trevor; Webster, James R. 2022. 105. 453–467. 10.3168/jds.2021-21047
A novel bacteriocin against Staphylococcus aureus from Lactobacillus paracasei isolated from Yunnan traditional fermented yogurt: Purification, antibacterial characterization, and antibiofilm activity
Jiang, Yu-Hang; Xin, Wei-Gang; Yang, Lin-Yu; Ying, Jian-Ping; Zhao, Zi-Shun; Lin, Lian-Bing; Li, Xiu-Zhang; Zhang, Qi-Lin. 2022. 105. 2094–2107. 10.3168/jds.2021-21126
Genome-wide association study on milk production and somatic cell score for Thai dairy cattle using weighted single-step approach with random regression test-day model
Buaban, S.; Lengnudum, K.; Boonkum, W.; Phakdeedindan, P. 2022. 105. 468–494. 10.3168/jds.2020-19826
Public attitude toward and perceptions of dairy cattle welfare in cow-calf management systems differing in type of social and maternal contact
Sirovica, L., V; Ritter, C.; Hendricks, J.; Weary, D. M.; Gulati, S.; von Keyserlingk, M. A. G. 2022. 105. 3248–3268. 10.3168/jds.2021-21344
Evaluating the in vitro efficacy of bovine lactoferrin products against SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern
Wotring, Jesse W.; Fursmidt, Reid; Ward, Loren; Sexton, Jonathan Z. 2022. 105. 2791–2802. 10.3168/jds.2021-21247
Mapping the carbon footprint of milk production from cattle: A systematic review
Mazzetto, Andre M.; Falconer, Shelley; Ledgard, Stewart. 2022. 105. 9713–9725. 10.3168/jds.2022-22117
A high-concentrate diet induces an inflammatory response and oxidative stress and depresses milk fat synthesis in the mammary gland of dairy cows
Ma, N.; Abaker, J. A.; Wei, G.; Chen, H.; Shen, X.; Chang, G. 2022. 105. 5493–5505. 10.3168/jds.2021-21066
Symposium review: The implications of spontaneous versus synchronized ovulations on the reproductive performance of lactating dairy cows
Fricke, P. M.; Wiltbank, M. C. 2022. 105. 4679–4689. 10.3168/jds.2021-21431
Invited review: Review of taxonomic changes in dairy-related lactobacilli
Oberg, Taylor S.; McMahon, Donald J.; Culumber, Michele D.; McAuliffe, Olivia; Oberg, Craig J. 2022. 105. 2750–2770. 10.3168/jds.2021-21138
Lipopolysaccharide induces lipolysis and insulin resistance in adipose tissue from dairy cows
Chirivi, Miguel; Rendon, C. Javier; Myers, Madison N.; Prom, Crystal M.; Roy, Sambit; Sen, Aritro; Lock, Adam L.; Contreras, G. Andres. 2022. 105. 842–855. 10.3168/jds.2021-20855
The β-casein (CSN2) A2 allelic variant alters milk protein profile and slightly worsens coagulation properties in Holstein cows
Bisutti, V.; Pegolo, S.; Giannuzzi, D.; Mota, L. F. M.; Vanzin, A.; Toscano, A.; Trevisi, E.; Marsan, P. Ajmone; Brasca, M.; Cecchinato, A. 2022. 105. 3794–3809. 10.3168/jds.2021-21537
Knowledge, attitudes, and perceptions of dairy farmers regarding antibiotic use: Lessons from a developing country
Dankar, Iman; Hassan, Hussein; Serhan, Mireille. 2022. 105. 1519–1532. 10.3168/jds.2021-20951
Composition and aptitude for cheese-making of milk from cows, buffaloes, goats, sheep, dromedary camels, and donkeys
Bittante, Giovanni; Amalfitano, Nicolo; Bergamaschi, Matteo; Patel, Nageshvar; Haddi, Mohamed-Laid; Benabid, Hamida; Pazzola, Michele; Vacca, Giuseppe Massimo; Tagliapietra, Franco; Schiavon, Stefano. 2022. 105. 2132–2152. 10.3168/jds.2021-20961
Immunochromatographic assays for ultrasensitive and high specific determination of enrofloxacin in milk, eggs, honey, and chicken meat
Lei, Xianlu; Xu, Xinxin; Liu, Liqiang; Kuang, Hua; Xu, Liguang; Xu, Chuanlai. 2022. 105. 1999–2010. 10.3168/jds.2021-20276
Application of whey protein emulsion gel microparticles as fat replacers in low-fat yogurt: Applicability of vegetable oil as the oil phase
Li, Hongjuan; Zhang, Leilei; Jia, Yuanyuan; Yuan, Yujing; Li, Hongbo; Cui, Wenming; Yu, Jinghua. 2022. 105. 9404–9416. 10.3168/jds.2022-22314
Whey protein isolate- and carrageenan-based edible films as carriers of different probiotic bacteria
Sogut, E.; Filiz, B. Ertekin; Seydim, A. C. 2022. 105. 4829–4842. 10.3168/jds.2021-21245
Effects of compound probiotics on growth performance, rumen fermentation, blood parameters, and health status of neonatal Holstein calves
Wang, Haibo; Yu, Zhaotao; Gao, Zhibiao; Li, Qianwen; Qiu, Xinjun; Wu, Fei; Guan, Tianci; Cao, Binghai; Su, Huawei. 2022. 105. 2190–2200. 10.3168/jds.2021-20721
Methane mitigation potential of 3-nitrooxypropanol in lactating cows is influenced by basal diet composition
van Gastelen, Sanne; Dijkstra, Jan; Heck, Jeroen M. L.; Kindermann, Maik; Klop, Arie; de Mol, Rudi; Rijnders, Dennis; Walker, Nicola; Bannink, Andre. 2022. 105. 4064–4082. 10.3168/jds.2021-20782
Symposium review: Mechanistic insights into adipose tissue inflammation and oxidative stress in periparturient dairy cows
Zachut, Maya; Contreras, G. Andres. 2022. 105. 3670–3686. 10.3168/jds.2021-21225
Camel milk-derived probiotic strains encapsulated in camel casein and gelatin complex microcapsules: Stability against thermal challenge and simulated gastrointestinal digestion conditions
Devarajan, Aarthi; Mudgil, Priti; Aldhaheri, Fatima; Hamed, Fathala; Dhital, Sushil; Maqsood, Sajid. 2022. 105. 1862–1877. 10.3168/jds.2021-20745
A novel electrochemical immunosensor based on Fe3O4@graphene nanocomposite modified glassy carbon electrode for rapid detection of Salmonella in milk
Feng, Kaiwen; Li, Ting; Ye, Cuizhu; Gao, Xiaoyu; Yue, Xianglin; Ding, Shuangyan; Dong, Qiuling; Yang, Mingqi; Huang, Ganhui; Zhang, Jinsheng. 2022. 105. 2108–2118. 10.3168/jds.2021-21121
Pilot-scale production of exopolysaccharide from Leuconostoc pseudomesenteroides XG5 and its application in set yogurt
Pan, Lei; Wang, Qi; Qu, Liangfan; Liang, Lu; Han, Ye; Wang, Xianghe; Zhou, Zhijiang. 2022. 105. 1072–1083. 10.3168/jds.2021-20997
Kinetics of pepsin-induced hydrolysis and the coagulation of milk proteins
Yang, Mengxiao; Ye, Aiqian; Yang, Zhi; Everett, David W.; Gilbert, Elliot Paul; Singh, Harjinder. 2022. 105. 990–1003. 10.3168/jds.2021-21177
Invited review: Effect of subacute ruminal acidosis on gut health of dairy cows
Plaizier, J. C.; Mulligan, F. J.; Neville, E. W.; Guan, L. L.; Steele, M. A.; Penner, G. B. 2022. 105. 7141–7160. 10.3168/jds.2022-21960
Evaluation of allergenicity of cow milk treated with enzymatic hydrolysis through a mouse model of allergy
Liang, Xiaona; Wang, Zongzhou; Yang, Hui; Luo, Xue; Sun, Jing; Yang, Mei; Shi, Xinyang; Yue, Xiqing; Zheng, Yan. 2022. 105. 1039–1050. 10.3168/jds.2021-20686
A meta-analysis of effects of 3-nitrooxypropanol on methane production, yield, and intensity in dairy cattle
Kebreab, Ermias; Bannink, Andre; Pressman, Eleanor May; Walker, Nicola; Karagiannis, Alexios; van Gastelen, Sanne; Dijkstra, Jan. 2023. 106. 927–936. 10.3168/jds.2022-22211
Invited review: Antimicrobial resistance in bovine mastitis pathogens: A review of genetic determinants and prevalence of resistance in European countries
Naranjo-Lucena, Amalia; Slowey, Rosemarie. 2023. 106. 1–23. 10.3168/jds.2022-22267