Welcome to the 2019 ADSA Annual Meeting!
On behalf of the American Dairy Science Association®, welcome to Cincinnati and the 2019 ADSA Annual Meeting: Integrating Dairy Science Globally. These next few days are filled with dairy science, networking, and connecting with friends old and new. The meeting begins today with a bang as we honor Dr. Dave Barbano with a symposium highlighting his career. Please also be sure to join us at the opening session tonight, where we will honor the winners of our highest profile awards and I will make some comments on the state of our association.
Remember that we have expanded the meeting this year to include 3 full days of scientific sessions. We continue to have platform sessions, which have one or two invited speakers presenting on a topic, followed by related scientific presentations. On Monday, our undergraduate and graduate students will be busy competing, so please make sure to stop by and see them in action. Another important stop is the exhibit hall, where you can see and learn about some of the latest technologies, services, and products for dairy science from 8 am to 5 pm on Monday and 8 am to 4 pm on Tuesday. Monday evening’s ADSA Awards Ceremony provides another opportunity to recognize our highest impact colleagues—from students to more senior members of ADSA. And of course, we’re all winners at the ice cream social that follows the ceremony! Both are great opportunities to network and make new connections. On Tuesday, it’s back to posters, symposia, and scientific sessions. Of particular interest on Tuesday is the full-day Lactation Biology Symposium honoring the career of Tony Capuco. I encourage you to join in and participate at the division meetings, as this is the starting point for innovations and ideas to make our program and association even better. A new event, the Graduate Student Division Mix and Mingle, is scheduled for Tuesday evening, and is designed to promote engagement among graduate students and other academia and industry folks. On Wednesday morning, we begin with the final poster session and the ADSA business meeting and open forum, followed by symposia and scientific sessions throughout the morning and afternoon.
This meeting would not happen without the help of some amazing volunteers and staff! My sincere thanks to Mike VandeHaar (overall program chair) and his committee: Mike Brouk, Emma Wall, Mike Miller, Paul Kindstedt, and Zey Ustunol. Also, many thanks to the FASS staff for their organizational skills and efforts in bringing diverse ideas together to create this meeting. I would like to recognize our sponsors and volunteers for delivering an outstanding meeting – please be sure to extend a personal thank you when you cross paths with these folks. Finally, thank you for coming and joining the sessions, events, and discussions that provide vitality to our global dairy science meeting. We value your contributions and look forward to what will come next!
Geoff Dahl
ADSA President
Late-Breaking Original Research Session, Sunday, 3:00 to 5:00 pm, room 205
3:00 pm
Composition, nitrogen fraction, and amino acid profile of mare’s milk produced in the mountains and highlands. A. T. Mazhitova* and A. A. Kulmyrzaev, Kyrgyz-Turkish Manas University, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan.
3:15 pm
Colorimetric detection of volatile organic compounds for shelf-life monitoring of milk. M. Ziyaina*, Washington State University, Pullman, WA, USA.
3:30 pm
Selective dry cow therapy on US dairy farms: Impact on udder health and productivity. S. Rowe*1, S. Godden1, E. Royster1, J. Timmerman1, D. Nydam2, A. Vasquez2, P. Gorden3, and A. Lago4, 1 University of Minnesota, Saint Paul, MN, USA, 2Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, USA, 3Iowa State University, Ames, IA, USA, 4DairyExperts, Tulare, CA, USA.
3:45 pm
Ileal digestibility of an enzyme-treated soybean meal for milk replacer in preweaned dairy calves. I. Ansia*1, H. H. Stein1, C. Brøkner2, D. A. Vermeire3, and J. K. Drackley1, 1University of Illinois, Urbana, IL, 2Hamlet Protein A/S, Horsens, Denmark, 3Nouriche Nutrition, Lake St. Louis, MO.
4:00 pm
Transcription effect of exogenous galectin-8 and LPS-treated bovine neutrophils using RNA-sequencing. E. Eluka-Okoludoh, B. Mulakala, K. Ekwemalor, S. Harrison, and M. Worku*, North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University, Greensboro, NC, USA.
4:15 pm
Synergistic associations of bacteria and archaea in DNA and cDNA components of rumen samples collected using stomach tube and cannula methods in dairy cows. D. W. Pitta*1, C. F. A. Lage2,5, J.S. Bender1, N. Indugu1, M. L. Hennessy1, V. K. Shabtai1, B. Vecchiarelli1, A. Fernandez6, A. Spitzer7, S. E. Raisanen2, A. Melgar2, K. Nedelkov3, X. Chen4, J. Oh2, and A. N. Hristov2, 1University of Pennsylvania, Kennett Square, PA, USA, 2The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA, USA, 3Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Brazil, 4College of Pastoral Agriculture Science and Technology, Lanzhou University, China, 5Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Trakia University, Stara Zagora, Bulgaria, 6Eberly College of Arts and Sciences, West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV, USA, 7School of Veterinary Medicine, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, USA.
4:30 pm
Effects of increasing propionate concentration on short-term metabolism in liver explants from dairy cows in the postpartum period. K. M. Kennedy* and M. S. Allen, Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, USA.
4:45 pm
Moringa oleifera polyphenols modulate galectin expression in LPS-induced bovine peripheral blood mononuclear cells. S. Adjei-Fremah1, K. Ekwemalor1, E. Asiamah2, and M. Worku*1, 1North Carolina A&T State University, Greensboro, NC, USA, 2University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff, Pine Bluff, AR, USA.
34th ADSA Discover Conference Mini Symposium, Sunday, 2:00 to 4:00 pm, room 204
This mini symposium will (1) summarize the results from the 34th Discover Conference (Reexamining Amino Acid and Energy Interactions in the Dairy Cow), held in spring 2018; (2) discuss strategies to implement research findings; and (3) focus ongoing and future research to improve the efficiency of amino acid utilization in dairy production. Discover Conferences, hosted by the American Dairy Science Association, address important contemporary issues in food animal agriculture and are organized to provide unique opportunities for professional interactions that will facilitate development and use of frontier science for the benefit of the global food industries and society. The conferences offer an environment that fosters creativity, emphasizes interaction and open discussion, and focuses on thrusts that will synergize the development and use of science.
Opening Session, Grand Ballroom A, 6:00 pm; reception follows at 6:45 pm in Grand Ballroom B
Please join us at our opening session for a brief address by ADSA President, Geoffrey Dahl; an overview of the scientific program; and presentations of ADSA Award of Honor, Distinguished Service Award, ADSA Fellows, and JDS Club 100 Class of 2019. After the session, join us for food and drinks, networking, and Cincinnati's premier swing band, The Jazz Coasters.
ADSA 2019 on Twitter
Follow the ADSA Annual Meeting on Twitter (@ADSAMtg) using the official conference hashtag #ADSA2019. Tweet about interesting posters and presentations, social events, or fun things to do and see while in Cincinnati.