The author submitting the abstract is responsible for its content and the quality of the preparation.
Abstracts are required for all submitted papers, invited papers, and symposium presentations.
Individual program committees are responsible for accepting or rejecting abstracts. Criteria for acceptance or rejection will include those outlined here and in the “Quality Standards for Abstracts.” The program committee will also consider originality, clarity, and merit. Consolidation of results into one combined abstract is urged whenever possible.
The Overall Program Chair has the authority to restrict the number of abstracts accepted. The program committee chairs have the authority to restrict the number of presentations per presenter. However, there is no limit on the number of abstracts an individual may submit.
Individual program committee chairs also have the prerogative of placing papers submitted for oral presentation into a poster session, or vice versa. Due to limited availability of the oral sessions, only one abstract per presenter will be considered for oral presentation. Therefore, if a presenter submits more than one abstract, they must decide which one they prefer to present orally and select that option during abstract submission. Additionally, there are limited sessions available for the poster 3-minute spotlight talks, and posters selected for these sessions will be at the discretion of the program committee chairs.
If withdrawal of an abstract becomes necessary, notify Brittany Morstatter, ADSA Scientific Program Coordinator (, immediately.