
One of ADSA's five organizational objectives is to recognize ADSA members for outstanding personal achievement. ADSA accomplishes this objective through partnering with 20 award sponsors, and through making its own association and foundation awards. Whether you are a professional or a student, ADSA supports a comprehensive Awards Program designed to identify and recognize those who have made important contributions to the dairy industry and the association.

Deadline Information

  • Nominations open October 11, 2024*
    • *Note: 2025 nominations for the Foundation Graduate Student Literature Review Awards are open and accepting applications now.
  • Deadline for Initial Nominations: January 10, 2025
  • Deadline for Supporting Nomination Material (Qualified Nominations Only): February 21, 2025
Review the previous year's winners, the list of award categories, and full submission instructions below, and click the button below to begin your submission. 


Submit Your Nomination Here!

2024 Award Winners Press Release

2024 Overall Press Release

American Dairy Science Association® Names Winners of 2024 Professional and Student Awards

Champaign, IL (June 7, 2024)—The American Dairy Science Association (ADSA®), the international organization of educators, scientists, and industry representatives committed to advancing the dairy industry, is pleased to announce the winners of professional and student awards for 2024. The winners will be recognized during the association’s Annual Meeting.

Ursula Abou-Rjeileh (Michigan State University) is the 2024 recipient of the Alltech Inc. Graduate Student Paper Publication Award, generously sponsored by the Alltech Biotechnology Center.

Mary Beth Hall (Department of Agriculture-Agricultural Research Service (USDA-ARS) at the US Dairy Forage Research Center) is the 2024 recipient of the American Feed Industry Association Award, generously sponsored by the American Feed Industry Association Inc.

Luiz Ferraretto (University of Wisconsin–Madison) is the 2024 recipient of the Cargill Animal Nutrition Young Scientist Award, generously sponsored by Cargill Animal Nutrition.

Joseph C. Dalton (University of Idaho) is the 2024 recipient of the DeLaval Dairy Extension Award, generously sponsored by DeLaval Inc.

Donna Amaral-Phillips (University of Kentucky) is the 2024 recipient of the Hoard’s Dairyman Youth Development Award, generously sponsored by Hoard’s Dairyman.

Rani Govindasamy-Lucey (Wisconsin Center for Dairy Research) is the 2024 recipient of the International Dairy Foods Association Research Award in Dairy Foods Processing, generously sponsored by the International Dairy Foods Association.

Christine F. Baes (University of Guelph) is the 2024 recipient of the J. L. Lush Award in Animal Breeding, generously sponsored by the Council on Dairy Cattle Breeding.

David Renaud (University of Guelph) is the 2024 recipient of the Lallemand Forward Award for Scientific Excellence in Dairy Nutrition, generously sponsored by Lallemand Animal Nutrition.

Usman Arshad (University of Florida) is the 2024 recipient of the National Milk Producers Federation: Richard M. Hoyt Award, generously sponsored by the National Milk Producers Federation Dairy Scholarship Fund.

Thomas R. Overton (Cornell University) is the 2024 recipient of the Nutrition Professionals Inc. Applied Dairy Nutrition Award, generously sponsored by Nutrition Professionals Inc.

Lisa Holden (The Pennsylvania State University) is the 2024 recipient of the Purina Animal Nutrition Teaching Award in Dairy Production, generously sponsored by Purina Animal Nutrition.

Benjamin Enger (The Ohio State University) is the 2024 recipient of the West Agro Inc. Award, generously sponsored by West Agro Inc.

James Drackley (University of Illinois) is the 2024 recipient of the Zinpro Award for Excellence in Dairy Science, generously sponsored by Zinpro Corporation.

J. Richard Pursley (University of Wisconsin–Madison) is the 2024 recipient of the Zoetis Physiology Award, generously sponsored by Zoetis.

Robert Harmon (University of Kentucky) is the 2024 recipient of the ADSA Award of Honor.

Bill Graves (Dairy Management Inc.) is the 2024 recipient of the ADSA Distinguished Service Award.

Lance Baumgard (Iowa State University), David Everett (The Riddet Institute), Mary Beth Hall (United States Department of Agriculture-Agricultural Research Service (USDA-ARS) at the US Dairy Forage Research Center), and Scott A. Rankin (University of Wisconsin–Madison) are announced as Fellows of the American Dairy Science Association in 2024.

Alexander Hristov (The Pennsylvania State University), David C. Hall (University of Calgary), and Sajid Maqsood (United Arab Emirates University) are the 2024 recipients of the Journal of Dairy Science® Highly Cited Award.

Donagh Berry (Teagasc) is honored as a member of the 2024 class of JDS Club 100.

Haotian Zheng (North Carolina State University) is the 2024 recipient of the ADSA Foundation Scholar Award in Dairy Foods.

Ángel Abuelo (Michigan State University) is the 2024 recipient of the ADSA Foundation Scholar Award in Dairy Production.

Adamarie S. Márquez Acevedo (University of Idaho) is the 2024 recipient of the ADSA Foundation Graduate Student Literature Review Award: Production Division (MS).

Lautaro Rostoll Cangiano (University of Wisconsin–Madison) is the 2024 recipient of the ADSA Foundation Graduate Student Literature Review Award: Production Division (PhD).

Amber Engelken (Iowa State University) is the 2024 recipient of the Genevieve Christen Distinguished Undergraduate Student Award.

Alycia Bales (Michigan State University) is the 2024 recipient of the ADSA Midwest Scholars Award.

Brittney Davidson (University of Wisconsin–Madison) is the 2024 recipient of the ADSA Midwest Scholars Award.

Kirby Krogstad (The Ohio State University) is the 2024 recipient of the ADSA Midwest Scholars Award.

Jessica Lemos Motta (The Ohio State University) is the 2024 recipient of the ADSA Midwest Scholars Award.

Vii Pszczolkowski (University of Wisconsin–Madison) is the 2024 recipient of the ADSA Midwest Scholars Award.

About the American Dairy Science Association (ADSA)

The American Dairy Science Association (ADSA) is an international organization of educators, scientists, and industry representatives who are committed to advancing the dairy industry and keenly aware of the vital role the dairy sciences play in fulfilling the economic, nutritive, and health requirements of the world’s population. It provides leadership in scientific and technical support to sustain and grow the global dairy industry through generation, dissemination, and exchange of information and services. Together, ADSA members have discovered new methods and technologies that have revolutionized the dairy industry.

Instructions to Nominators

Instructions to Principal Nominators of Individual Awards

Note: This is not a complete list of policies and procedures governing the ADSA® Awards, but highlights information that each principal nominator should be aware of. For a complete list of policies and procedures, please refer to the document entitled “Policies and Procedures Governing the Administration of Awards in the American Dairy Science Association®.”

  1. Read carefully the information on the sheet describing requirements for eligibility. Be sure that your nominee is eligible for the award you are nominating him or her for.
  2. To qualify for nomination of donated awards (except for Richard M. Hoyt Award and the International Dairy Production Award), individuals must be:
    1. A citizen of the United States, Canada, or Mexico.
    2. A member of ADSA for not less than five (5) successive years preceding the nomination.
  3. For research awards, publications for the period encompassed by a previous award cannot be used as supporting material for another research award.
  4. Be sure to note employment restrictions for certain awards.
  5. Letters in support of the nominee are not to be submitted for any of the research awards.
  6. When letters in support of the nominee are required, do not submit more than three.
  7. Do not include reprints of papers published in the Journal of Dairy Science® in the supporting material. You may include reprints of papers published elsewhere.
  8. If you are re-nominating an individual for an award, please be sure to update the nomination:
    1. Adds to the publication list any papers submitted during the current year and remove paper that may no longer be eligible for consideration, i.e., more than five (or ten years for the AFIA and J.L. Lush Awards) years old.
    2. Update biographical information as necessary.
  9. Be sure that the supporting materials are uploaded by the deadline. This will ensure complete consideration of your nominee by the committee.
  10. If you have questions, please thoroughly read the document entitled “Policies and Procedures Governing the Administration of Awards in the American Dairy Science Association .”
  11. If you have questions not answered by this document, contact Morgan via phone at 217.356.3182 ext. 156 or via e-mail at .

Submit Your Nomaination Here!

List of Awards By Category

Undergraduate and Graduate Student Awards

  • Genevieve Christen Distinguished Undergraduate Student Award
  • ADSA Foundation Graduate Student Literature Review Award
  • Alltech Inc. Graduate Student Paper Publication Award
  • National Milk Producers Federation: Richard M. Hoyt Award
  • ADSA Midwest Scholar Award

Early Career Awards

  • ADSA Foundation Early Career Award (one each for Production and Foods)
  • ADSA Foundation Scholar Award
  • ADSA Midwest Scholar Award
  • Cargill Animal Nutrition Young Scientist Award
  • Lallemand Forward Award for Scientific Excellence in Dairy Nutrition
  • The National Milk Producers Federation: Richard M. Hoyt Award

Extension and Teaching Awards

  • DeLaval Dairy Extension Award
  • Hoard’s Dairyman Youth Development Award
  • International Dairy Foods Association Teaching Award in Dairy Manufacturing
  • Lallemand Forward Award for Scientific Excellence in Dairy Nutrition
  • Nutrition Professionals Inc: Applied Dairy Nutrition Award
  • Purina Animal Nutrition Teaching Award in Dairy Production

Late Career Awards

  • ADSA Award of Honor
  • ADSA Distinguished Service Award
  • Fellow of the American Dairy Science Association
  • Purina Animal Nutrition Teaching Award in Dairy Production

Dairy Foods Awards

  • ADSA Foundation Scholar Award
  • International Dairy Foods Association Research Award in Dairy Foods Processing
  • International Dairy Foods Association Teaching Award in Dairy Manufacturing 

Dairy Production Awards

  • American Feed Industry Award
  • Cargill Animal Nutrition Young Scientist Award
  • DeLaval Dairy Extension Award
  • FASS-AFIA Frontiers Animal Nutrition Award
  • ADSA Foundation Scholar Award
  • JL Lush Award in Animal Breeding 
  • Lallemand Forward Award for Scientific Excellence in Dairy Nutrition 
  • The National Milk Producers Federation: Richard M. Hoyt Award
  • Nutrition Professionals Inc.: Applied Dairy Nutrition Award
  • Purina Animal Nutrition Teaching Award in Dairy Production
  • West Agro Inc. Award
  • Zinpro Award for Excellence in Dairy Science
  • Zoetis Physiology Award

Journal Publishing Awards

  • ADSA Foundation Graduate Student Literature Review Award
  • Alltech Inc. Graduate Student Paper Publication Award
  • Journal of Dairy Science Highly Cited Award


ADSA Foundation Early Career Award


American Dairy Science Association Foundation


A plaque, $1,500 monetary stipend, and up to $1,000 toward eligible travel expenses reimbursement following the annual meeting for each recipient.


To recognize two young scholars (one from the Dairy Foods Division and one from the Production Division) for their potential in research and/or educational leadership in identifying critical issues affecting the future of the dairy industry. Nominees must be within the first 3-5 years of their position following graduate school/postdoctoral fellowship completion (i.e., assistant professor, industry professional. Domestic and international nominations are welcome.


  1. Current active membership in the American Dairy Science Association.
  2. Completion of final academic degree/post-doctoral fellowship no earlier than 3-5 calendar years prior to the year of the award.
  3. Exemplary research and/or educational leadership in identifying critical issues affecting the future of the dairy industry and potential for future leadership.
  4. Deliver a symposium style address at the ADSA annual meeting to be scheduled as appropriate by the general program chair. The text of this address should focus on critical issues affecting the future of the dairy industry.
  5. Submit a written manuscript of the lecture which will be reviewed and published in an appropriate section of the Journal of Dairy Science. The first submission of the manuscript will be to the Chair of the Selection Committee on or before the annual meeting of the ADSA. Another month will be allowed after the meeting for final revisions. Stipend will be awarded at the ADSA Awards Program or when manuscript is received, if later.


  1. The principal nominator shall upload the supporting materials online (Part 2) at
    1. An updated career vitae.
    2. A short summary statement (no more than five pages) documenting accomplishments and outlining major contributions to the dairy industry upon which the nomination is based.
    3. An outline of the proposed ADSA presentation and a manuscript (if available) with a brief summary statement on the major impact expected
ADSA Foundation Graduate Student Literature Review Award


American Dairy Science Association Foundation

Nature of Award

A plaque, waived page charges (up to 10 journal pages), a $1,000 monetary stipend per award


To recognize graduate students who have composed in-depth and extensive literature reviews in their thesis or dissertation, and allow for these papers to be published in the Journal of Dairy Science (JDS) as review papers, making them available as references for citations in original research papers.

Special Requirements for Nomination

Now accepting applications for the 2025 ADSA Foundation Graduate Student Literature Review Awards. You can submit your nomination by clicking "Submit Your Nomination Here" at the top of the page

  1. Review papers for consideration must be submitted by the graduate student within 6 months of graduation. Manuscript submissions to JDS will be made throughout the year for peer review by the journal.
  2. Submitted review papers are to be no more than 30 double-spaced pages, including references and graphs.
  3. Submitted papers will be on a focused topic in dairy science and may include a maximum of 75 references.
  4. Submitted papers must conform to current JDS formatting requirements. Please refer to this document for additional review paper submission requirements.
  5. If a literature review is accepted for publication in JDS, the student must apply for the award in order for the paper to be published in the journal. Rejected papers are not eligible to compete for the award.

Other Requirements

  1. The graduate student will submit all supporting materials at
  2. The graduate student will upload their original manuscript submission.
  3. The graduate student will upload their final submission (or proofs, if available).
  4. The graduate student will upload reviewer comments and author responses for all revisions requested.
  5. The graduate student will include a letter from their advisor or other documentation of graduation status.
  6. The graduate student will include a headshot and short biography (200 words or less).
ADSA Foundation Scholar Award


American Dairy Science Association Foundation

Nature of Award

A plaque, $1,500 monetary stipend, and up to $1,000 toward travel expenses for each recipient


To recognize two young scholars (one from the Dairy Foods Division and one from the Production Division) and their potential in research and educational leadership and to identify critical issues affecting the future of the dairy industry.

Special Requirements for Nomination

  1. Completion of final academic degree no earlier than 10 calendar years prior to the year of the award. Current active membership in the American Dairy Science Association.
  2. Exemplary research and/or educational programs (instruction, extension, or industry) and potential for future leadership. Nominations solicited from members in both Production and Dairy Foods Divisions.
  3. Deliver a symposium-type address at the ADSA annual meeting to be scheduled as appropriate by the general program chair. The text of this address should focus on critical issues affecting the future of the dairy industry.
  4. Submit a written manuscript of the lecture which will be reviewed and published in an appropriate section of the Journal of Dairy Science. The first submission of the manuscript will be to the Chair of the Selection Committee on or before the annual meeting of the ADSA. Another month will be allowed after the meeting for final revisions. Stipend will be awarded at the ADSA Awards Program or when manuscript is received, if later.

Supporting Information on Nominee

  1. The principal nominator shall upload the supporting materials online (Part 2) at :
    1. An updated career vitae.
    2. A short summary statement (no more than five pages) documenting accomplishments and outlining major contributions to the dairy industry upon which the nomination is based.
    3. An outline of the proposed ADSA presentation and a manuscript (if available) with a brief summary statement on the major impact expected from the research and education programs emphasized in this Award presentation.
ADSA Midwest Scholar


American Dairy Science Association

Nature of Award

Plaque and monetary stipend


To recognize and feature the research accomplishments of recent PhD graduates or current PhD students from the ADSA Midwest Branch in the advanced stages of their program (i.e., within 12 months of degree completion) at the annual ADSA meeting.

The intent of the Young Scholars Program is to recognize accomplishments of students in many disciplines through an invited presentation format; it is not intended as a competition.

Special Requirements for Nomination

  1. Nominees must be within 12 months of degree completion and current active members of the Midwest Branch ofADSA.
  2. Invited participants will present a 30-minute presentation on their dissertation topic at the ADSA annualmeeting.

Other Requirements

  1. The principal nominator shall upload the supporting materials online at
    1. An updated curriculum vitae.
    2. The proposed abstract.
    3. Up to 3 letters ofsupport.
Alltech, Inc. Graduate Student Paper Publication Award


Alltech, Inc.

Nature of Award

$1,000 and a plaque with presentation at the annual meeting of the American Dairy Science Association.


To recognize a graduate student who has published a paper in the Journal of Dairy Science.

Special Requirements for Nomination

  1. The student must be a member of ADSA.
  2. The manuscript must be based on research conducted by the student before their final oral examination and must list the student as first or corresponding author.
  3. The manuscript must be submitted to the Journal of Dairy Science within six months after completion of the final oral examination.
  4. The manuscript must be accepted and/or published in the Journal of Dairy Science during the calendar year preceding the presentation of the award.

Supporting Information on Nominee

  1. The principal nominator shall upload the supporting materials online (Part 2) at or supply the chairperson of the selection committee six (6) copies of:
    1. An updated résumé of nominee's background and training including the published research.
    2. A copy of the manuscript.
American Feed Industry Association Award


American Feed Industry Association, Inc.

Nature of Award

An award and monetary stipend with presentation at the annual meeting of the American Dairy Science Association.


To stimulate research in dairy cattle nutrition.

Special Requirements for Nomination

  1. Nominee must have made a worthy contribution to research of dairy cattle nutrition within the ten (10) calendar years immediately prior to the year of the award.
  2. Nominee must have original research work published.
  3. Nominee must have conducted research at a public institution, hospital, or similar institution.
  4. Nominee must be and have been a member of the American Dairy Science Association for at least five (5) successive years.
  5. The research upon which the nomination is based must be different from that submitted for the American Society of Animal Science (ASAS) AFIA Ruminant Nutrition Award in instances where the nominee is a previous winner of or a candidate for the AS AS AFIA Ruminant Nutrition Award.
  6. If a nominee has received an award, the contributions for the period encompassed by the previous award cannot be used as support for another award.

Supporting Information on Nominee

  1. The principal nominator shall upload the supporting materials online (Part 2) at or supply the chairperson of the selection committee six (6) copies of:
    1. An updated career vitae.
    2. A short summary statement (no more than five pages) documenting accomplishments and outlining major contributions to the dairy industry upon which the nomination is based.
Award of Honor


American Dairy Science Association

Nature of Award

A plaque and monetary stipend with presentation at the annual meeting of the American Dairy Science Association.


To recognize unusually outstanding and consistent contributions to the welfare of the Association or distinguished service to the Association. The award is primarily for services to the American Dairy Science Association. Career achievements or contributions to other segments of the dairy industry should receive secondary consideration.

Special Requirements for Nomination

  1. Nominee must have served the American Dairy Science Association with unusual distinction.
  2. Nominee must have been a member of the American Dairy Science Association for twenty-five (25) or more years in the year immediately preceding the award. (Eligibility for the Award of Honor is not restricted to those employed by public institutions.)
  3. Nominee must be living when nominations are submitted to the selection committee.

Supporting Information on Nominee

  1. The principal nominator shall upload the supporting materials online (Part 2) at or supply the chairperson of the selection committee six (6) copies of:
    1. An updated career vitae.
    2. A short summary statement (no more than five pages) documenting accomplishments and outlining major contributions to the dairy industry upon which the nomination is based.
    3. Up to three (3) letters.
Cargill Animal Nutrition Young Scientist Award


Cargill Animal Nutrition

Nature of Award

$1,500 and a plaque with presentation at the annual meeting of the American Dairy Science Association.


To recognize outstanding research by young dairy production scientists during the first ten (10) years of their professional career.

Special Requirements for Nomination

  1. Nominee must have demonstrated outstanding research in dairy cattle production areas within five (5) calendar years immediately prior to year of award.
  2. Nominee must have original research work published.
  3. Nominee must be and have been a member of the American Dairy Science Association for at least five (5) successive years.
  4. Nominee must be age 39 or younger in the calendar year prior to the year of award and must have completed his/her Ph.D. no earlier than 10 calendar years prior to the year of the award (i.e., those receiving his/her Ph.D. during the calendar year of 1986 and are age 39 or younger during the calendar year 1996 are eligible to receive the 1997 award).
  5. If a nominee has received an award, the contributions for the period encompassed by the previous award cannot be used as support for another award.

Supporting Information on Nominee

  1. The principal nominator shall upload the supporting materials online (Part 2) at or supply the chairperson of the selection committee six (6) copies of:
    1. An updated career vitae.
    2. A short summary statement (no more than five pages) documenting accomplishments and outlining major contributions to the dairy industry upon which the nomination is based.
DeLaval Dairy Extension Award


DeLaval Inc.

Nature of Award

A plaque and monetary stipend with presentation at the annual meeting of the American Dairy Science Association.


To recognize outstanding achievements in dairy extension.

Special Requirements for Nomination

  1. Nominee must have made valuable and noteworthy contribution to the dairy industry through dairy extension in the broad areas of production, manufacturing, marketing, and youth work.
  2. Nominee must be active in dairy extension when nominated and with at least ten (10) years of dairy extension work with an educational or public institution.
  3. Nominee must be and have been a member of the American Dairy Science Association for at least five (5) successive years.
  4. If a nominee has received an award, the contributions for the period encompassed by the previous award cannot be used as support for another award.

Supporting Information on Nominee

  1. The principal nominator shall upload the supporting materials online (Part 2) at or supply the chairperson of the selection committee six (6) copies of:
    1. An updated career vitae.
    2. A short summary statement (no more than five pages) documenting accomplishments and outlining major contributions to the dairy industry upon which the nomination is based.
    3. Three (3) letters.
Distinguished Service Award


American Dairy Science Association

Nature of Award

A plaque and monetary stipend with presentation at the annual meeting of the American Dairy Science Association.


To recognize unusually outstanding and consistent contributions to the welfare of the dairy industry either directly or indirectly. The award shall be based upon a broad, even nonscientific, contribution. Thus, outstanding achievements by those in industry, public administration, or academic administration shall qualify. The contribution may be national or international. Distinguished Service Award is not for ADSA accomplishments.

Special Requirements for Nomination

  1. Nominee must have fulfilled as of January 1 of the year of the award the contributions to the welfare of the dairy industry for which the nominee is to be recognized. (Eligibility for the Distinguished Service Award is not restricted to those employed by public institutions.)
  2. Nominee must be living when nominations are submitted to the selection committee.
  3. Nominee need not be a member of the American Dairy Science Association.

Supporting Information on Nominee

  1. The principal nominator shall upload the supporting materials online (Part 2) at or supply the chairperson of the selection committee six (6) copies of:
    1. An updated career vitae.
    2. A short summary statement (no more than five pages) documenting accomplishments and outlining major contributions to the dairy industry upon which the nomination is based.
    3. Up to three (3) letters.
Fellow of the American Dairy Science Association


American Dairy Science Association

Nature of Award

Presentation of a plaque at the annual meeting of the American Dairy Science Association.


To recognize four ADSA members of the American Dairy Science Association who have rendered distinguished service to the dairy industry over 20 years or more.

Special Requirements for Nomination

  1. Nominee must have made exceptional contributions to the dairy industry, to a dairy-related discipline, or the American Dairy Science Association.
  2. Nominee must be and have been a member of the American Dairy Science Association for a minimum of twenty (20) years in the year preceding the award.


No more than 0.2% of professional members, rounded to the nearest whole number (currently 4), may be selected per year. Fellows will be selected from both the Production and Dairy Foods Divisions. Selection for another American Dairy Science Association award in the same year does not disqualify selection as a Fellow.

Supporting Information on Nominee

  1. The principal nominator shall upload the supporting materials online (Part 2) at or shall supply the selection committee twelve (12) copies of:
    1. An updated career vitae.
    2. A short summary statement (3,000 words or less) documenting accomplishments and outlining major contributions to the dairy industry upon which the nomination is based.
The Genevieve Christen Distinguished Undergraduate Student Award


American Dairy Science Association Foundation

Nature of Award

A plaque and $1,000 monetary stipend.


To recognize distinguished undergraduates who have demonstrated leadership ability, academic achievement, involvement in the industry and participation in USD and local club activities.

Special Requirements for Nomination

  1. The nominee must be an undergraduate at the time of submission of application.
  2. Only one applicant per college or university is eligible for the Genevieve Christen Distinguished Undergraduate Student Award in any given year.
  3. The Genevieve Christen Distinguished Undergraduate Student Award will be presented at the ADSA Awards Program and it will be expected for the winner of this award to be present at the Awards Program.
  4. The award nominee must be available to attend and participate in the USD program at the meeting in which the award is presented. The winner will also be recognized at the USD Awards Luncheon at the meeting.
  5. The nominator must be a member of the American Dairy Science Association.

Supporting Information on Nominee

  1. Each application must be accompanied by one letter of recommendation. The letter should be from the department chair or a faculty member who is familiar with the nominee’s activities and academic achievements and is a member of the American Dairy Science Association.
  2. The nominee must complete the application form (typed) to be submitted with the above letter.
    1. Please provide official transcripts from all colleges attended.
  3. Upload the supporting materials online (Part 2) at or mail six copies of this form to the chairperson of this committee.

Genevieve Christen Distinguished Undergraduate Student Application

Hoard's Dairyman Youth Development Award


Hoard’s Dairyman

Nature of Award

$1,500 and a plaque with presentation at the Annual Meeting of the American Dairy Science Association.


To recognize a candidate who has had significant involvement in dairy-related youth activities either in a professional or volunteer capacity for a minimum of ten years. The recipient shall be highly regarded in the dairy industry for his or her role in personal development of dairy youth and for enhancing knowledge of and interest in the dairy industry.

Special Requirements for Nomination

  1. Nominee need not be a member of the American Dairy Science Association.
  2. Nominee may have worked with youth of any age, up to and including college.
  3. Nominee may have worked in many possible capacities such as coach, counselor, teacher, advisor, mentor, chaperone, or supervisor.

Supporting Information on Nominee

  1. The principal nominator shall upload the supporting materials online (Part 2) at or supply the chairperson of the selection committee six (6) copies of:
    1. An updated career vitae.
    2. A short summary statement (no more than five [5] pages) about the nominee and written by the nominator, that documents the nominee’s accomplishments in the area of youth work.
    3. Three (3) letters of support.
International Dairy Foods Association Research Award in Dairy Foods Processing


International Dairy Foods Association

Nature of Award

$1,500 honorarium and a plaque


To recognize individuals whose research findings have allowed dairy foods processors to develop new products, to make a significant improvement in the quality, safety, or processing efficiency of dairy foods.

Special Requirements for Nomination

  1. Nominee must have conducted the research at public and/or private institutions.
  2. Nominee must now be and must have been a member of the American Dairy Science Association for at least the past five (5) years.
  3. The nominee must have published the research during the five (5) calendar years prior to the award, except for the first three (3) years of the award, when the past 15 years of research may be considered.
  4. The nominee's research findings must have clearly and significantly benefitted the dairy foods processing industry in its ability to manufacture products with higher quality and/or safety (either chemical and/or microbiological) or with increased processing efficiencies, or have led to innovative product development with a measurable impact on the market. The adoption of the findings must affect a significant portion of the dairy foods manufactured.
  5. Particular attention will be paid to the long-term importance of the research application.
  6. If a nominee has received an award, the contributions for the period encompassed by the previous award cannot be used as support for another award.

Supporting Information on Nominee

  1. The principal nominator shall upload the supporting materials online (Part 2) at or supply the chairperson of the selection committee six (6) copies of:
    1. An updated career vitae.
    2. A short summary statement (no more than five pages) documenting accomplishments and outlining major contributions to the dairy industry upon which the nomination is based.
International Dairy Foods Association Teaching Award in Dairy Manufacturing


International Dairy Foods Association

Nature of Award

A plaque and monetary stipend with presentation at the annual meeting of the American Dairy Science Association.


To recognize outstanding teaching of undergraduate students in dairy foods.

Special Requirements for Nomination

  1. Nominee must have demonstrated outstanding ability as a teacher of undergraduate students of dairy foods in an accredited college or university.
  2. Nominee must be an active teacher when nominated with not less than a total of ten (10) years of active teaching preceding.
  3. Nominee must be and have been a member of the American Dairy Science Association for at least five (5) successive years.
  4. If a nominee has received an award, the contributions for the period encompassed by the previous award cannot be used as support for another award.

Supporting Information on Nominee

  1. The principal nominator shall upload the supporting materials online (Part 2) at or supply the chairperson of the selection committee six (6) copies of:
    1. An updated career vitae.
    2. A short summary statement (no more than five pages) documenting accomplishments and outlining major contributions to the dairy industry upon which the nomination is based.
    3. Up to three (3) letters.
J. L. Lush Award in Animal Breeding


Council on Dairy Cattle Breeding (CDCB)

Nature of Award

A plaque and monetary stipend with presentation at the annual meeting of the American Dairy Science Association.


To recognize outstanding research in animal breeding.

Special Requirements for Nomination

  1. Research work published in the ten (10) years immediately preceding the year of recognition.
  2. Research in any area of animal breeding and genetics that had or has the potential for improvement of dairy cattle.
  3. Nominee must be and have been a member of the American Dairy Science Association for at least five (5) years immediately preceding year of recognition and be a resident of the United States, Canada, or Mexico and/or formally involved in projects in collaboration with North American researchers or organizations.
  4. The research upon which the nomination is based must be different from that submitted for the American Society of Animal Science (ASAS) Animal Breeding and Genetics Award in instances where the nominee is a previous winner of or a candidate for the ASAS Animal Breeding and Genetics Award.
  5. If a nominee has received an award, the contributions for the period encompassed by the previous award cannot be used as support for another award.

Supporting Information on Nominee

  1. The principal nominator shall upload the supporting materials online (Part 2) at or supply the chairperson of the selection committee six (6) copies of:
    1. An updated career vitae.
    2. A short summary statement (no more than five pages) documenting accomplishments and outlining major contributions to the dairy industry upon which the nomination is based.
Lallemand Forward Award for Scientific Excellence in Dairy Nutrition


Lallemand Animal Nutrition, NA

Nature of Award

$1,500 and a plaque with presentation at the annual meeting of the American Dairy Science Association.


To stimulate and recognize outstanding achievement in research, teaching, extension, and/or industry in applied dairy nutrition by scientists during the first ten (10) years post graduation of their professional career.

Special Requirements for Nomination

  1. Nominee must have made significant early career contributions in applied dairy nutrition in areas such as:
    1. Basic or applied forage research in the areas of forage production, processing, storage, or utilization
    2. Basic or applied research in the areas of rumen and gastrointestinal microbiology and function
    3. Nutritional effects on production efficiency, cow comfort and health
  2. Nominee must be and have been a member of the American Dairy Science Association for at least five (5) consecutive years.
  3. Nominee must be a resident of the United States, Canada, or Mexico.
  4. Nominee must be age 39 or younger in the calendar year prior to the year of award and must have completed his/her Ph.D. no earlier than 10 calendar years prior to the year of the award (i.e., those receiving his/her Ph.D. during the calendar year of 1986 and are age 39 or younger during the calendar year 1996 are eligible to receive the 1997 award).

Supporting Information on Nominee

  1. The principal nominator shall upload the supporting materials online (Part 2) at Nomination materials are to include:
    1. An updated résumé of nominee's background and training, research, extension, and teaching contributions
    2. Nomination statement not to exceed 750 words
The National Milk Producers Federation: Richard M. Hoyt Award


National Milk Producers Dairy Scholarship Fund

Nature of Award

A plaque and monetary stipend with presentation at the annual meeting of the American Dairy Science Association.


To recognize research efforts with direct application to problems of the U.S. dairy industry.

Special Requirements for Nomination

  1. Nominee must have accomplished research with direct application to problems of the U.S. dairy industry.
  2. When nominated, the nominee must be enrolled in or have completed within the preceding one year a program leading to an advanced degree in a field related to dairy science or department with similar curriculum in an accredited university in the United States.
  3. If degree work is completed, the nominee must be employed by a US company, academic institution, or government agency.
  4. Nominee must be a member of ADSA.

Supporting Information on Nominee

  1. The principal nominator shall upload the supporting materials online (Part 2) at or supply the chairperson of the selection committee six (6) copies of:
    1. An updated résumé of nominee's background and training including the published research.
    2. Description of nominee's research and a statement of its significance to the dairy industry.
    3. Statement evaluating the research of the nominee submitted by the nominee's major professor.
Nutrition Professionals, Inc: Applied Dairy Nutrition Award


Nutrition Professionals, 532 Denison Circle, Sheboygan Falls, WI 53085

Nature of Award

$2,000 and a plaque to be presented at the annual meeting of the American Dairy Science Association.


To stimulate and recognize outstanding achievement in research, teaching, extension, and/or industry in applied dairy nutrition.

Special Requirements for Nomination

  1. Nominee must have made significant contributions to the dairy industry in the area of applied dairy nutrition in one or more of areas such as:
    1. Applied nutrition research related to improved production efficiency, reproductive function, and/or herd health.
    2. Integration of innovative nutritional management practices into profitable management systems.
    3. Education (including technology transfer and extension) and application of nutritional information to students, producers, and public.
  2. Nominee must be and have been a member of the American Dairy Science Association for at least five (5) consecutive years.
  3. Nominee must have made the contribution within ten (10) years prior to the year of the award.
  4. Nominee must be a resident of the United States, Canada, or Mexico.
  5. If a nominee has received an award, the contributions for the period encompassed by the previous award cannot be used as support for another award.

Supporting Information on Nominee

  1. The principal nominator shall upload the supporting materials online (Part 2) at or supply the chairperson of the selection committee six (6) copies of:
    1. An updated career vitae.
    2. A short summary statement (no more than five pages) documenting accomplishments and outlining major contributions to the dairy industry upon which the nomination is based.
Purina Animal Nutrition Teaching Award in Dairy Production


Purina Animal Nutrition

Nature of Award

A plaque and monetary stipend with presentation at the annual meeting of the American Dairy Science Association.


To recognize outstanding teaching of undergraduate students in dairy science.

Special Requirements for Nomination

  1. Nominee must have demonstrated outstanding ability as a teacher of undergraduate students of dairy science in an accredited college or university.
  2. Nominee must be an active teacher when nominated with not less than a total of ten (10) years of active teaching preceding.
  3. Nominee must be and have been a member of the American Dairy Science Association for at least five (5) successive years.
  4. If a nominee has received an award, the contributions for the period encompassed by the previous award cannot be used as support for another award.

Supporting Information on Nominee

  1. The principal nominator shall upload the supporting materials online (Part 2) at or supply the chairperson of the selection committee six (6) copies of:
    1. An updated career vitae.
    2. A short summary statement (no more than five pages) documenting accomplishments and outlining major contributions to the dairy industry upon which the nomination is based.
    3. Up to five (5) letters.
West Agro, Inc. Award


West Agro, Inc.

Nature of Award

A plaque and monetary stipend with presentation at the annual meeting of the American Dairy Science Association.


To recognize outstanding research of milk quality as affected by control of mastitis, management of milking, and practices in production of milk.

Special Requirements for Nomination

  1. Nominee must have meritorious scientific or technical contribution in research of one or more of:
    1. mastitis including epidemiology, microbiology, prophylaxis, therapy, immunity, anatomy, and physiology of mammary gland.
    2. milking management and systems related to hygiene, udder health, and milk quality.
    3. milk yield, composition, flavor, and microbiological quality as related to feeding or management.
    4. detection or analysis of foreign substances in milk or of abnormal milk, prevention or elimination of milk adulteration, particularly of those contaminants which have significance to public health or an impact on product technology.
  2. Nominee must have made the contribution within the five (5) years immediately preceding nomination.
  3. Nominee must be and have been a member of the American Dairy Science Association for at least five (5) successive years.
  4. If a nominee has received an award, the contributions for the period encompassed by the previous award cannot be used as support for another award.

Supporting Information on Nominee

  1. The principal nominator shall upload the supporting materials online (Part 2) at or supply the chairperson of the selection committee six (6) copies of:
    1. An updated career vitae.
    2. A short summary statement (no more than five pages) documenting accomplishments and outlining major contributions to the dairy industry upon which the nomination is based.
Zinpro Award for Excellence in Dairy Science


Zinpro Corporation

Nature of Award

A plaque and monetary stipend with presentation at the annual meeting of the American Dairy Science Association.


To recognize outstanding research in dairy production or manufacturing contributing to improvement or care of dairy cattle, development and improvement of processes, products, equipment, methods, handling, and sanitation.

Special Requirements for Nomination

  1. Nominee must have made meritorious scientific contributions or discoveries pertaining to dairy production, manufacturing, and technology. This contribution may be published research data, plans, processes, devices, or inventions significant and beneficial to the dairy industry through either theory or practical application. The contributions may have been made while nominees were employed in public and/or private institutions and/or industry.
  2. Nominee must have published the research during the ten (10) calendar years immediately prior to the year of the award.
  3. Nominee must be and have been a member of the American Dairy Science Association for at least five (5) successive years.
  4. If a nominee has received an award, the contributions for the period encompassed by the previous award cannot be used as support for another award.

Supporting Information on Nominee

  1. The principal nominator shall upload the supporting materials online (Part 2) at
    1. An updated career vitae.
    2. A short summary statement (no more than five pages) documenting accomplishments and outlining major contributions to the dairy industry upon which the nomination is based.
Zoetis Physiology Award



Nature of Award

A plaque and monetary stipend with presentation at the annual meeting of the American Dairy Science Association.


To recognize outstanding research in dairy cattle physiology.

Special Requirements for Nomination

  1. Research work published in refereed journals in the five years immediately preceding the year of recognition.
  2. Research in any area of animal physiology relating to the dairy animal.
  3. Nominee must be and have been a member of the American Dairy Science Association for at least the last five (5) successive years.
  4. If a nominee has received an award, the contributions for the period encompassed by the previous award cannot be used as support for another award.

Supporting Information on Nominee

  1. The principal nominator shall upload the supporting materials online (Part 2) at or supply the chairperson of the selection committee six (6) copies of:
    1. An updated career vitae focused on last five (5) years of research.
    2. A short summary statement (no more than five pages) documenting accomplishments and outlining major contributions to the dairy industry upon which the nomination is based.
Journal of Dairy Science® Highly Cited Award

The number of citations a published study receives provides an excellent indication of its importance to its research community. The Journal of Dairy Science® (JDS) Highly Cited Awards program has been established by ADSA® to formally recognize contributors to JDS whose work is significantly affecting research and the dairy industry. Awards are given annually for the three highest cited articles from eligible years. Invited reviews are not eligible.

Journal of Dairy Science® Highly Cited Award 

Past Award Winner Press Relases

2023 Award Winners Press Release

2023 Overall Press Release

American Dairy Science Association® Names Winners of 2023 Professional and Student Awards

Champaign, IL (June 1, 2023)—The American Dairy Science Association (ADSA®), the international organization of educators, scientists, and industry representatives who are committed to advancing the dairy industry, is pleased to announce the winners of professional and student awards for 2023. The winners will be recognized during the association’s Annual Meeting.

Trent Westhoff (Cornell University) is the 2023 recipient of the Alltech Inc. Graduate Student Paper Publication Award, generously sponsored by the Alltech Biotechnology Center.

Lance Baumgard (Iowa State University) is the 2023 recipient of the American Feed Industry Association Award, generously sponsored by the American Feed Industry Association Inc.

Joao R. Dórea (University of Wisconsin) is the 2023 recipient of the Cargill Animal Nutrition Young Scientist Award, generously sponsored by Cargill Animal Nutrition.

J. Richard Pursley (Michigan State University) is the 2023 recipient of the DeLaval Dairy Extension Award, generously sponsored by DeLaval Inc.

Amin Ahmadzadeh (University of Idaho) is the 2023 recipient of the Hoard’s Dairyman Youth Development Award, generously sponsored by Hoard’s Dairyman.

Sylvie Turgeon (Université Laval) is the 2023 recipient of the International Dairy Foods Association Research Award in Dairy Foods Processing, generously sponsored by the International Dairy Foods Association.

Andres Legarra (Council on Dairy Cattle Breeding) is the 2023 recipient of the J. L. Lush Award in Animal Breeding, generously sponsored by the Council on Dairy Cattle Breeding.

Robin White (Virginia Tech) is the 2023 recipient of the Lallemand Forward Award for Scientific Excellence in Dairy Nutrition, generously sponsored by Lallemand Animal Nutrition.

Megan Abeyta (Iowa State University) is the 2023 recipient of the National Milk Producers Federation: Richard M. Hoyt Award, generously sponsored by the National Milk Producers Federation Dairy Scholarship Fund.

Alexander Hristov (The Pennsylvania State University) is the 2023 recipient of the Nutrition Professionals Inc. Applied Dairy Nutrition Award, generously sponsored by Nutrition Professionals Inc.

Curtis Youngs (Iowa State University) is the 2023 recipient of the Purina Animal Nutrition Teaching Award in Dairy Production, generously sponsored by Purina Animal Nutrition.

Kevin Harvatine (The Pennsylvania State University) is the 2023 recipient of the West Agro Inc. Award, generously sponsored by West Agro Inc.

Pamela Ruegg (Michigan State University) is the 2023 recipient of the Zinpro Award for Excellence in Dairy Science, generously sponsored by Zinpro Corporation.

Klibs Neblan A. Galvão (University of Florida) is the 2023 recipient of the Zoetis Physiology Award, generously sponsored by Zoetis.

Michel A. Wattiaux (University of Wisconsin–Madison) is the 2023 recipient of the ADSA Award of Honor.

Stephanie Clark (Iowa State University) is the 2023 recipient of the ADSA Distinguished Service Award.

Geoffrey Dahl (University of Florida), Maurice Eastridge (The Ohio State University), Richard Erdman (University of Maryland), and Geoffrey Smithers (Geoffrey Smithers Food Industry Consulting Services) are announced as Fellows of the American Dairy Science Association in 2023.

Adriano Cruz (Instituto Federal do Rio de Janeiro [IFRJ]), Jason Lombard (United States Department of Agriculture [USDA]), and Alberto Palmonari (University of Bologna) are the 2023 recipients of the Journal of Dairy Science® Highly Cited Award.

Alessio Cecchinato (University of Padova) and Filippo Miglior (University of Guelph) are honored as members of the 2023 class of JDS Club 100.

Maneesha Mohan (South Dakota State University) is the 2023 recipient of the ADSA Foundation Scholar Award in Dairy Foods.

Jessica McArt (Cornell University) is the 2023 recipient of the ADSA Foundation Scholar Award in Dairy Production.

Paul Zeltzer (Michigan State University) is the 2023 recipient of the ADSA Foundation Graduate Student Literature Review Award: Dairy Foods Division (MS).

Emad Yuzbashian (University of Alberta) is the 2023 recipient of the ADSA Foundation Graduate Student Literature Review Award: Dairy Foods Division (PhD).

Jordan Tonooka (McGill University) is the 2023 recipient of the ADSA Foundation Graduate Student Literature Review Award: Production Division (MS).

Winston Mason (Massey University) is the 2023 recipient of the ADSA Foundation Graduate Student Literature Review Award: Production Division (PhD).

Faith Hagelberger (The Ohio State University) is the 2023 recipient of the Genevieve Christen Distinguished Undergraduate Student Award.

About the American Dairy Science Association (ADSA)

The American Dairy Science Association (ADSA) is an international organization of educators, scientists, and industry representatives who are committed to advancing the dairy industry and keenly aware of the vital role the dairy sciences play in fulfilling the economic, nutritive, and health requirements of the world’s population. It provides leadership in scientific and technical support to sustain and grow the global dairy industry through generation, dissemination, and exchange of information and services. Together, ADSA members have discovered new methods and technologies that have revolutionized the dairy industry.

2022 Award winners press releases

2022 Overall Press Release

American Dairy Science Association® Names Winners of 2022 Professional and Student Awards

Champaign, IL (May 9, 2022) — The American Dairy Science Association (ADSA®), the international organization of educators, scientists, and industry representatives who are committed to advancing the dairy industry, is pleased to announce the winners of professional and student awards for 2022. The winners will be recognized during the association’s Annual Meeting.

Miguel Chirivi (Michigan State University) is the 2022 recipient of the Alltech Inc. Graduate Student Paper Publication Award, generously sponsored by the Alltech Biotechnology Center.

Christopher K. Reynolds (University of Reading) is the 2022 recipient of the American Feed Industry Association Award, generously sponsored by the American Feed Industry Association Inc.

Ángel Abuelo (Michigan State University) is the 2022 recipient of the Cargill Animal Nutrition Young Scientist Award, generously sponsored by Cargill Animal Nutrition.

José Eduardo P. Santos (University of Florida) is the 2022 recipient of the DeLaval Dairy Extension Award, generously sponsored by DeLaval Inc.

Deborah Grusenmeyer (Cornell University) is the 2022 recipient of the Hoard’s Dairyman Youth Development Award, generously sponsored by Hoard’s Dairyman.

Diarmuid Sheehan (TEAGASC Food Research Center Moorepark) is the 2022 recipient of the International Dairy Foods Association Research Award in Dairy Foods Processing, generously sponsored by the International Dairy Foods Association.

George Liu (USDA-ARS Animal Genomics and Improvement Laboratory) is the 2022 recipient of the J. L. Lush Award in Animal Breeding, generously sponsored by the Council on Dairy Cattle Breeding.

Joao Costa (University of Kentucky) is the 2022 recipient of the Lallemand Forward Award for Scientific Excellence in Dairy Nutrition, generously sponsored by Lallemand Animal Nutrition.

Bethany Dado-Senn (University of Wisconsin) is the 2022 recipient of the National Milk Producers Federation Richard M. Hoyt Award, generously sponsored by the National Milk Producers Federation Dairy Scholarship Fund.

José Eduardo P. Santos (University of Florida) is the 2022 recipient of the Nutrition Professionals Inc. Applied Dairy Nutrition Award, generously sponsored by Nutrition Professionals Inc.

Maurice Eastridge (The Ohio State University) is the 2022 recipient of the Purina Animal Nutrition Teaching Award in Dairy Production, generously sponsored by Purina Animal Nutrition.

Patrick Gorden (Iowa State University) is the 2022 recipient of the West Agro Inc. Award, generously sponsored by West Agro Inc.

Lance Baumgard (Iowa State University) is the 2022 recipient of the Zinpro Award for Excellence in Dairy Science, generously sponsored by Zinpro Corporation.

Laura Hernandez (University of Wisconsin) is the 2022 recipient of the Zoetis Physiology Award, generously sponsored by Zoetis.

Rafael Jiménez-Flores (The Ohio State University) is the 2022 recipient of the ADSA Award of Honor.

David Barbano (Cornell University) is the 2022 recipient of the ADSA Distinguished Service Award.

Louis E. Armentano (University of Wisconsin), John Lucey (University of Wisconsin), José Eduardo P. Santos (University of Florida), and Karen Schmidt (Kansas State University) are announced as Fellows of the American Dairy Science Association in 2022.

Bo Han (China Agricultural University), José Eduardo P. Santos (University of Florida), and Ewa Wasilewska (Institute of Animal Reproduction and Food Research, Polish Academy of Sciences) are the 2022 recipients of the Journal of Dairy Science® Highly Cited Award.

Wolfgang Heuwieser (Freie Universität Berlin) and Ignacy Misztal (University of Georgia) are honored as members of the 2022 class of JDS Club 100.

Tom O’Callaghan (University College Cork) is the 2022 recipient of the ADSA Foundation Scholar Award in Dairy Foods.

Kathryn Proudfoot (University of Prince Edward Island) is the 2022 recipient of the ADSA Foundation Scholar Award in Dairy Production.

Hasitha Priyashantha (Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences) is the 2022 recipient of the ADSA Foundation Graduate Student Literature Review Award: Dairy Foods Division (PhD).

Erin Marie Shangraw (University of Missouri) is the 2022 recipient of the ADSA Foundation Graduate Student Literature Review Award: Production Division (MS).

Meghan Katherine Connelly (University of Wisconsin) is the 2022 recipient of the ADSA Foundation Graduate Student Literature Review Award: Production Division (PhD).

Jessica Schmitt (Iowa State University) is the 2022 recipient of the Genevieve Christen Distinguished Undergraduate Student Award.

About the American Dairy Science Association (ADSA)

The American Dairy Science Association (ADSA) is an international organization of educators, scientists, and industry representatives who are committed to advancing the dairy industry and keenly aware of the vital role the dairy sciences play in fulfilling the economic, nutritive, and health requirements of the world’s population. It provides leadership in scientific and technical support to sustain and grow the global dairy industry through generation, dissemination, and exchange of information and services. Together, ADSA members have discovered new methods and technologies that have revolutionized the dairy industry.

2021 Award Winners Press Releases

2021 Overall Press Release

American Dairy Science Association® Names Winners of 2021 Professional and Student Awards

Champaign, IL (May 19, 2021) — The American Dairy Science Association (ADSA®), the international organization of educators, scientists, and industry representatives who are committed to advancing the dairy industry, is pleased to announce the winners of professional and student awards for 2021. The winners will be recognized during the association’s annual meeting.

Eliab Estrada-Cortés (University of Florida) is the 2021 recipient of the Alltech Inc. Graduate Student Paper Publication Award, generously sponsored by the Alltech Biotechnology Center.

Alexander N. Hristov (The Pennsylvania State University) is the 2021 recipient of the American Feed Industry Association Award, generously sponsored by the American Feed Industry Association Inc.

Corwin Nelson (University of Florida) is the 2021 recipient of the Cargill Animal Nutrition Young Scientist Award, generously sponsored by Cargill Animal Nutrition.

Marcia Endres (University of Minnesota) is the 2021 recipient of the DeLaval Dairy Extension Award, generously sponsored by DeLaval Inc.

Jillian Bohlen (University of Georgia) is the 2021 recipient of the Hoard’s Dairyman Youth Development Award, generously sponsored by Hoard’s Dairyman.

Scott A. Rankin (University of Wisconsin–Madison) is the 2021 recipient of the International Dairy Foods Association Research Award in Dairy Foods Processing, generously sponsored by the International Dairy Foods Association.

Nagendra Shah (University of Hong Kong) is the 2021 recipient of the International Dairy Foods Association Teaching Award in Dairy Manufacturing, generously sponsored by the International Dairy Foods Association.

Shogo Tsuruta (University of Georgia) is the 2021 recipient of the J. L. Lush Award in Animal Breeding, generously sponsored by the Council on Dairy Cattle Breeding.

Luiz Ferraretto (University of Wisconsin–Madison) is the 2021 recipient of the Lallemand Forward Award for Scientific Excellence in Dairy Nutrition, generously sponsored by Lallemand Animal Nutrition.

Achilles Vieira-Neto (Kansas State University) is the 2021 recipient of the National Milk Producers Federation Richard M. Hoyt Award, generously sponsored by the National Milk Producers Federation Dairy Scholarship Fund.

Trevor DeVries (University of Guelph) is the 2021 recipient of the Nutrition Professionals Inc. Applied Dairy Nutrition Award, generously sponsored by Nutrition Professionals Inc.

Steve Kelm (University of Wisconsin–River Falls) is the 2021 recipient of the Purina Animal Nutrition Teaching Award in Dairy Production, generously sponsored by Purina Animal Nutrition.

Daryl Nydam (Cornell University) is the 2021 recipient of the West Agro Inc. Award, generously sponsored by West Agro Inc.

MaryAnne Drake (North Carolina State University) is the 2021 recipient of the Zinpro Award for Excellence in Dairy Science, generously sponsored by Zinpro Corporation.

Leluo Guan (University of Alberta) is the 2021 recipient of the Zoetis Physiology Award, generously sponsored by Zoetis.

Geoffrey E. Dahl (University of Florida) is the 2021 recipient of the ADSA Award of Honor.

Glen Broderick (Broderick Nutrition & Research LLC) is the 2021 recipient of the ADSA Distinguished Service Award.

Jesse Goff (Iowa State University), David R. Mertens (Mertens Innovation & Research LLC), Marshall Stern (University of Minnesota), and Michel Wattiaux (University of Wisconsin) are announced as Fellows of the American Dairy Science Association in 2021.

Adriano Cruz (Federal Institute of Rio de Janeiro), Liam Hanrahan (Teagasc), and Anna-Maija Heikkilä (National Resources Institute Finland) are the 2021 recipients of the Journal of Dairy Science® Highly Cited Award.

Michael S. Allen (Michigan State University), MaryAnne Drake (North Carolina State University), and John Roche (Ministry for Primary Industries) are honored as members of the 2021 class of JDS Club 100.

Prateek Sharma (Utah State University) is the 2021 recipient of the ADSA Foundation Scholar Award in Dairy Foods.

Jimena Laporta (University of Wisconsin–Madison) is the 2021 recipient of the ADSA Foundation Scholar Award in Dairy Production.

Victoria Favorit (University of Idaho) is the 2021 recipient of the ADSA Foundation Graduate Student Literature Review Award: Production Division (MS).

Connor Owens (Virginia Tech) is the 2021 recipient of the ADSA Foundation Graduate Student Literature Review Award: Production Division (PhD).

Cynthia Hamlett (Iowa State University) is the 2021 recipient of The Genevieve Christen Distinguished Undergraduate Student Award.

About the American Dairy Science Association (ADSA)

The American Dairy Science Association (ADSA) is an international organization of educators, scientists, and industry representatives who are committed to advancing the dairy industry and keenly aware of the vital role the dairy sciences play in fulfilling the economic, nutritive, and health requirements of the world's population. It provides leadership in scientific and technical support to sustain and grow the global dairy industry through generation, dissemination, and exchange of information and services. Together, ADSA members have discovered new methods and technologies that have revolutionized the dairy industry.

2021 Virtual Awards Ceremony


2020 Award Winners Press Releases

2020 Overall Press Release

American Dairy Science Association® Names Winners of 2020 Professional and Student Awards

Champaign, IL (June 10, 2020) — The American Dairy Science Association® (ADSA®), the international organization of educators, scientists, and industry representatives who are committed to advancing the dairy industry, is pleased to announce the winners of professional and student awards for 2020. The winners will be recognized during the association’s annual meeting.

Audino Melgar Moreno (Pennsylvania State University) is the 2020 recipient of the Alltech Inc. Graduate Student Paper Publication Award, generously sponsored by the Alltech Biotechnology Center.

Christiane Girard (Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada) is the 2020 recipient of the American Feed Industry Association Award, generously sponsored by the American Feed Industry Association.

Antonio Faciola (University of Florida) is the 2020 recipient of the Cargill Animal Nutrition Young Scientist Award, generously sponsored by Cargill Animal Nutrition.

Donna Amaral-Phillips (University of Kentucky) is the 2020 recipient of the DeLaval Dairy Extension Award, generously sponsored by DeLaval Inc.

Katharine Knowlton (Virginia Tech) is the 2020 recipient of the Hoard's Dairyman Youth Development Award, generously sponsored by Hoard’s Dairyman.

Sanjeev Anand (South Dakota State University) is the 2020 recipient of the International Dairy Foods Association Research Award in Dairy Foods Processing, generously sponsored by the International Dairy Foods Association.

F. Xavier Malcata (University of Porto ) is the 2020 recipient of the International Dairy Foods Association Teaching Award in Dairy Manufacturing, generously sponsored by the International Dairy Foods Association.

Christian Maltecca (North Carolina State University) is the 2020 recipient of the J. L. Lush Award in Animal Breeding, generously sponsored by the Council on Dairy Cattle Breeding.

Erin Horst (Iowa State University) is the 2020 recipient of the National Milk Producers Federation Richard M. Hoyt Award, generously sponsored by the National Milk Producers Federation Dairy Scholarship Fund.

John Bernard (University of Georgia) is the 2020 recipient of the Nutrition Professionals Inc. Applied Dairy Nutrition Award, generously sponsored by Nutrition Professionals Inc.

Chad Dechow (Pennsylvania State University) is the 2020 recipient of the Purina Animal Nutrition Teaching Award in Dairy Production, generously sponsored by Purina Animal Nutrition.

Juan Loor (University of Illinois) is the 2020 recipient of the West Agro Inc. Award, generously sponsored by West Agro Inc.

Daniel Weary (University of British Columbia) is the 2020 recipient of the Zinpro Award for Excellence in Dairy Science, generously sponsored by Zinpro Animal Health.

Pierre Lacasse (Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada) is the 2020 recipient of the Zoetis Physiology Award, generously sponsored by Zoetis.

Matthew Lucy (University of Missouri) is the 2020 recipient of the ADSA Award of Honor.

Catherine Stanton (Teagasc) is the 2020 recipient of the ADSA Distinguished Service Award.

Kathryn Boor (Cornell University), Jeffrey Firkins (The Ohio State University), Karen Plaut (Purdue University), and Charles Schwab (Schwab Consulting LLC) are announced as Fellows of the American Dairy Science Association in 2020.

Adegbola Adesogan (University of Florida), Lance Baumgard (Iowa State University), and Adriano Cruz (Federal Institute of Rio de Janeiro – IFRJ) are the 2020 recipients of the Journal of Dairy Science® Highly Cited Award.

Giovanni Bittante (University of Padua Italy), Glen Broderick (Broderick Nutrition and Research LLC), Jan Dijkstra (Wageningen University), and Paul VanRaden (USDA Animal Genomics and Improvement Lab) are honored as members of the 2020 class of the Journal of Dairy Science Club 100.

Samuel Alcaine (Cornell University) is the 2020 recipient of the ADSA Foundation Scholar Award in Dairy Foods.

Michael Steele (University of Guelph) is the 2020 recipient of the ADSA Foundation Scholar Award in Dairy Production.

Brandon Batty (Oregon State University) is the 2020 recipient of the ADSA Foundation Graduate Student Literature Review Award: Dairy Foods Division (MS).

Cody McCary (University of Florida) is the 2020 recipient of the ADSA Foundation Graduate Student Literature Review Award: Production Division (MS).

Nicholas Paul Uzee (Louisiana State University) is the 2020 recipient of The Genevieve Christen Distinguished Undergraduate Student Award.

About the American Dairy Science Association (ADSA)

The American Dairy Science Association (ADSA) is an international organization of educators, scientists, and industry representatives who are committed to advancing the dairy industry and keenly aware of the vital role the dairy sciences play in fulfilling the economic, nutritive, and health requirements of the world's population. It provides leadership in scientific and technical support to sustain and grow the global dairy industry through generation, dissemination, and exchange of information and services. Together, ADSA members have discovered new methods and technologies that have revolutionized the dairy industry.

2019 Award Winners Press Releases

2019 Overall Press Release

Alltech Inc. Graduate Student Paper Publication Award

Isaac Salfer

American Feed Industry Association Award

Adam Lock

Cargill Animal Nutrition Young Scientist Award

Joseph McFadden

DeLaval Dairy Extension Award

Victor Cabrera

Hoard’s Dairyman Youth Development Award

Theodore Halbach

International Dairy Foods Association Research Award in Dairy Foods Processing

Martin Wiedmann

International Dairy Foods Association Teaching Award in Dairy Manufacturing

Lloyd Metzger

J. L. Lush Award in Animal Breeding

Nicolas Gengler

Lallemand Forward Award for Scientific Excellence in Dairy Nutrition

Gregory Penner

National Milk Producers Federation Richard M. Hoyt Award

Isaac Salfer

Nutrition Professionals Inc. Applied Dairy Nutrition Award

Paul Kononoff

Purina Animal Nutrition Teaching Award in Dairy Production

Leo Timms

West Agro Inc. Award

Sandra Godden

Zinpro Award for Excellence in Dairy Science

Paul VanRaden

Zoetis Physiology Award

Stephen LeBlanc

The Genevieve Christen Distinguished Undergraduate Student Award

Jack Myers

ADSA Foundation Scholar Award in Dairy Foods

Nicole Martin

ADSA Foundation Scholar Award in Dairy Production

Heather White

ADSA Foundation Graduate Student Literature Review Award PhD Production Division

Meagan King

ADSA Award of Honor

Ken McGuffey

ADSA Distinguished Service Award

Ulrich Kulozik

ADSA Fellow Awards

Michael Allen
Glen Broderick
Les Hansen
Matthew Lucy

Journal of Dairy Science® (JDS®) Highly Cited Awards

Adriano Cruz
Xinwei Li
Guowen Liu
Jose Santos

JDS Club 100

H. Barkema
J. Clark
T. DeVries
T. Duffield
D. Kelton
S. LeBlanc
K. Weigel
W. Weiss