Q. Where and how do I submit an abstract?
A. All abstracts must be submitted electronically on the ADSA Annual Meeting abstract portal.

Q. What is the deadline for abstract submission (Open, Invited, Graduate, and Undergraduate)?
A. The late-breaking deadline for abstract submissions is 11:59 p.m. Central Standard Time, Friday, March 14, 2025. Save the date to your calendar.

Q. How do I edit my abstract after the submission deadline?
A. Edits after the submission deadline must be approved by the program section chair.

Q. Where do I find the name of a program section chair?
A. Once your abstract is submitted, you can use the Discussion area in the abstract to contact the section chair. You may also email for assistance.

Q. When will I know if my abstract has been accepted?
A. The abstract system will send an automatic email to the corresponding author when the section chair finalizes the decision on the abstract. You may also log into your account in the abstract submission system to view the status of your abstract.

The deadline for Final Status assignment (Accept/Reject) for abstracts is Wednesday, March 12, 2025. Save the date to your calendar. Please note that late-breaking abstract submission status assignments may come after this date. 

Q. When will I know the day and time of my presentation?
A. As soon as the program is finalized the program will be posted to the website.  

Q. Is there a limit to the number of abstracts I can submit?
A. There is no limit on the number of abstracts an individual may submit. However, the Overall Program Chair has the authority to restrict the number of abstracts accepted, and the program committee chairs have the authority to restrict the number of presentations per presenter.

Q. If my abstract is accepted, am I guaranteed the presentation type I selected at the time of submission?
A. No. Individual program committee chairs may place papers submitted for oral presentation into a poster session, or vice versa. Please check the schedule carefully to ensure you know the type of presentation you have been scheduled for, as well as the date and time of the oral presentation or poster.

Q. How large are the poster boards?
A. The poster board surface area is 48 inches (121.9 cm) high and 96 inches (243.8 cm) wide. Your poster does not need to fill the entire area available but cannot be larger than the surface area provided. The top of the poster space should include the abstract number, title, authors, and affiliations. The lettering for this section should be at least 1 inch high. Please review the poster presentation guidelines. 

Q. What is a platform session?
A. In a platform session, an invited speaker leads off a themed or topical oral session with a 30- or 45-minute talk, which is then followed by submitted abstract talks. This type of session can result in higher levels of engagement of oral session submitters/presenters while disseminating the most current research. Platform sessions provide a third oral session option, with a format between a symposium and a general oral session.


Q. May I submit my abstract in a language other than English?
A. No. Abstracts must be written in English.

Q. What should I do if I have more than 15 authors for the abstract?
A. If you have more than 15 authors, please email us.

Q. What should I do if I have more than 15 institutions or companies for the abstract?
A. If you have more than 15 institutions, please email us.

Q. How long can my abstract be?
A. Space limitations allow a maximum of 2,300 keystrokes (including characters, spaces and punctuation, title, keywords, and tables). Begin the count at the title and end the count with the last keyword or the end of a table, if one is included. The word count does not include authors and their affiliations. The system will automatically reject abstracts that are too long. Special characters, such as Greek letters and math symbols, are available on the electronic submission form itself.

Q. How do I check for 2,300 keystrokes?
A. Your word processor should have a word count feature that allows you to check the character and space count.

Q. What is included in 2,300 keystrokes?
A. The title, body, keywords, and one table (if included) all count toward the 2,300 keystrokes.

Q. The guidelines state that abstracts of more than 2,300 keystrokes (characters and spaces) will be rejected. Will my abstract be rejected if it is over the 2,300 keystrokes?
A. When you hit the submit button, you will be warned if you have missing information or if your abstract exceeds the keystroke limit. You can then adjust the length of your abstract and (or) add any missing information at that time.


Q. How do I log back in to edit my abstract after submission (but before the deadline)?

A. At abstract submission, you will be prompted to enter a valid email address and a password. You can use these to log in to the abstract portal at any time until the deadline.  

Latest News

#ADSA2025 early bird registration closes April 4, 2025! 

Are you a professional ADSA member who already registered? You can now add special programming and ticketed events to your registration by logging in to your ADSA dashboard and going to "events" and "my event registrations" to make changes.

Are you a practicing nutritionist seeking cutting-edge, applicable insights to optimize dairy rations for your clients? Join the first-ever applied nutrition symposium and panel discussion focused on feeding high oleic soybeans and balancing diets for milk fat.

The draft symposia list is out now! #ADSA2025 will be held in conjunction with the 2025 Interbull Annual Meeting.  

Review our list of recommended travel options, including details on applying for travel authorizations if you’re headed to #ADSA2025 from outside the US.

Want to host an event at the meeting? Submit your event request for ADSA 2025 today.

Beware of hotel scams! ADSA will never contact you directly about booking a hotel room. If someone calls or emails you about booking a hotel room, they are not from ADSA and are not a legitimate source for booking your hotel reservation.

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