2025 Call for Abstracts: Closed

Deadline: March 14, 2025, by 11:59 p.m. CT


Are you a dairy science researcher, student, or industry professional? Share your groundbreaking work with a global audience of dairy experts at the 2025 ADSA Annual Meeting.


#ADSA2025 will be held in conjunction with the 2025 Interbull Annual Meeting


Why Submit an Abstract?

  • Showcase your research: Gain recognition for your latest findings during the meeting and in the Journal of Dairy Science.
  • Grow your network: Connect, collaborate, and get feedback from dairy professionals.
  • Advance dairy science: Contribute to the advancement of dairy knowledge and innovation.

Key Dates:

Current ADSA members save on registration fees making your membership entirely free! Join or renew today to save on #ADSA2025 early bird prices

Join ADSA     Renew


We welcome the submission of research, teaching, and extension abstracts that represent original, completed work that has not been accepted for publication in a journal. Abstracts are required for all submitted papers, invited papers, and symposium presentations.

When you submit your abstract, you will be given a tracking number and password. Make a note of these; they will allow you to revise your submitted abstract at any time until the deadline.

Please carefully review the quality standards for abstracts before submitting either your oral or poster abstracts. The program committee will take these standards—as well as originality, clarity, and merit—into consideration. The author submitting the abstract is responsible for its content and the quality of the preparation. There is no limit to the number of abstracts one individual can submit, however, for the best results, we recommend:

  • Consolidation of results into one combined abstract whenever possible.
  • Selecting only one abstract submission for oral presentation. Only one abstract per presenter will be considered for oral presentation, so if submitting more than one abstract, please decide which submission to present orally and select that option during abstract submission.

Program committee chairs may also place papers submitted for oral presentation into a poster session, or vice versa.

Need to withdraw an abstract? Let us know.


If an abstract is accepted, the presenter must attend the meeting.

If a nonmember presenter is not registered for the 2025 ADSA Annual Meeting by April 4, 2025, the abstract will not be published. It will be removed from the program and will no longer be available for presentation at the meeting. Any exceptions from this policy will need approval from the ADSA Overall Program Committee.

Presenters who fail to attend and present their paper or poster may be ineligible to present at future ADSA meetings.


All abstracts must be submitted online.


It will not be possible to submit abstracts after the late-breaking submission deadline: Friday, March 14, 2025.

When you submit your abstract, you will be given a tracking number and password. Make a note of these; they will allow you to revise your submitted abstract at any time until the deadline.

  • New this year! Please DO NOT include any references or citations in your abstract submission. 
  • P-values are now allowed in abstract submissions.
  • Please take care to only enter first given initials for each abstract author. Examples include:
    • For the name Phillip A. Smith, the name should be entered as [ P. A. ] [ Smith ] in the boxes.
    • James Van Der Beek [J.] [Van Der Beek], where Van Der Beek is a compound last name.
    • Federico Garcia Lorca [F.] [Garcia Lorca], where Garcia Lorca is a Spanish double surname.
    • Masamune Shirow [S.] [Masamune], where Masamune is a family name, which is placed first in many Asian cultures.
  • Space limitations allow a maximum of 2,300 keystrokes (including characters, spaces and punctuation, title, keywords, and tables). Begin the count at the title and end the count with the last keyword or the end of the table, if one is included.
  • Only one table per abstract is permitted.
  • The word count does not include author names and affiliations.
  • The system will automatically reject abstracts that are too long.
  • Special characters, such as Greek letters and math symbols, are available on the electronic submission form.

If your abstract includes a table:

  • The electronic submission form allows submission of one table per abstract (optional), and the content of the table will count toward the 2,300-keystroke limit.

The printed abstract width allows for 70 keystrokes per line, including spaces. Tables should be a maximum of 10 columns and 15 rows; keep this in mind when you are formatting tables. Tables that are too wide cannot be formatted properly.


Authors will be emailed by March 12, 2025, indicating the final status (accept or reject) of their abstract. Please note that late-breaking submissions may receive their status notification after this date. As soon as the program is finalized with presentation days, times, formats, and locations, authors will be notified and this information will be posted online.

Note: Individual program committee chairs may place papers submitted for oral presentation into a poster session, or vice versa. Please check the schedule carefully to ensure you know the type of presentation for which you have been scheduled and the date and time of the oral presentation or poster session.


Individual program committee chairs have the right to place papers submitted for oral presentation into a poster session and vice versa. Please check the schedule carefully to ensure you know the type of presentation you have been scheduled for, as well as the date and time of the oral or poster presentation.

  • Each session room will be equipped with a computer and an LCD projector.
  • Presentation files must be compatible with Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 or later.
  • Files can be uploaded through the abstract system in advance of the meeting or accepted on-site by 5:00 p.m. on the day before your presentation. 
  • No files will be accepted in the session room, and the use of a personal laptop for presentation will not be permitted.
  • The usual time scheduled for the presentation of each oral paper is 12 minutes, with 3 minutes for questions, discussion, and speaker transition.

Poster presentations should be based on original completed research not previously reported in a research publication. Sound experimental design and interpretation are essential. All data must be in metric units.

Abstracts scheduled for presentation in poster sessions will be listed in the program.


The poster board surface area 48 inches (121.9 cm) high and 96 inches (243.8 cm) wide. Your poster does not need to fill the entire area available but cannot be larger than the surface area provided.

The top of the poster space should include the abstract number, title, authors, and affiliations. The lettering for this section should be at least 1 inch high

Presenters must furnish their own tacks or push pins (Velcro may not be used).


  • The same principles of simplicity and clarity apply to poster and oral presentations; a poster is a hybrid of an oral presentation and a printed paper.
  • Your story should proceed logically, with headings indicating sections: IntroductionObjective(s)Materials and MethodsResultsSummary, and Conclusions. The Conclusions should not merely be summary statements but should provide the reader with your interpretation of what the results mean.
  • Use photographsdrawings, or flow charts to help your audience better visualize the materials and methods used. Graphs should have titles, the axes should be named, and units should be quantified. Tables must include a title.
  • Include a small, professional picture of yourself near the abstract number and the title so that other attendees can identify you as the presenter of the poster.
  • Have colleagues or peers review your poster and make suggestions. Ask questions before you produce the final copy of your poster.

Proofread your poster before making the final copy!



  • Short statements or paragraphs using bullet points
  • Concise lists


  • Text should be in a darker color on white or light-colored background
  • Framing or matting should be in darker or subdued colors instead of brilliant colors
  • Limit the number of colors used to avoid busyness and distractions; simple use can add emphasis

Text Size

  • Bold, large, block style; mix uppercase and lowercase letters (i.e., sentence case)
  • Title: legible from 5 to 10 meters away
  • Text: legible from 1.5 to 2 meters away


  • Arrange poster sections from top to bottom, starting at the left side
  • Sufficient blank space is important
  • Use spaces to unify or separate sections
  • Avoid too many small sections, too many edges, and too many narrow spaces


  • Make graphs and tables as simple as possible; focus on the main ideas
  • Color and size are important
  • Photographs: matte finish is better than glossy; use photos only if they are clear and large enough


  • A short and legible introduction chart and a summary or conclusions chart are helpful.
  • Keep text and figure legends short, but do not omit them.
  • Simple use of color can add emphasis effectively.
  • Use large print, at least 3/8 inches high. Shade block letters when possible.
  • Roll poster materials and insert in a large mailing tube for ease of transportation.


Accepted poster presenters will receive an email asking for a digital poster file and recording of the poster presentation to be uploaded ahead of the 2025 ADSA Annual Meeting.

All poster presenters must also print and hang their posters on their designated presentation day.


We have dedicated five session times throughout the meeting for poster presentations only. Presenting authors must be present for the entire duration of their scheduled poster session. All posters should be mounted on the board at least 30 minutes before the day’s first session begins and should remain up until the end of the scientific sessions for that given day and must be removed before 6:30 p.m. each day.


Please look for the letter-number poster coordinate number (not the same as the abstract number) as noted in the meeting app, to locate a poster board in the exhibit hall.


  • Set up your poster well in advance of the presentation time.
  • Arrive promptly for your scheduled presentation time.
  • If your paper has been published, have extra copies of the paper ready to hand out to those that are interested. Other handouts or summaries are acceptable but none are necessary.

New! 3-minute poster spotlight presentations are traditional posters combined with a short, 3-minute oral presentation, offering the best of both presentation types. 

During abstract submission, you can indicate if you'd like each of your submissions to be considered for a 3-min spotlight. Selected posters will be also be invited to be presented this new abbreviated 3-minute poster spotlight format.

  • Presenters will need to prepare for a traditional poster presentation and a 3-minute oral presentation 
  • For the spotlight oral portion, presenters will be limited to a single PowerPoint slide, which may NOT utilize animations, sound, video, or additional electronic media.
  • Each session room will be equipped with a computer and an LCD projector.
  • Presentation files must be compatible with Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 or later.
  • Files can be uploaded through the abstract system in advance of the meeting or accepted on site by 5:00 p.m. on the day before your presentation. No files will be accepted in the session room, and the use of a personal laptop for presentation will not be permitted.

The presentation is limited to 3-minutes, and questions will be held until the subsequent poster session.


Immediately after entering your author and institution information, you will be asked to categorize your abstract by selecting:

  • Your Presentation Format: Oral or Poster
  • Your Section Preferences (1st and 2nd). A full list of available sections is shown below.

You will also indicate if you wish to be considered for a 3-minute poster spotlight opportunity, and, if submitting more than one abstract, which abstract you would like to be considered for oral format.


The following are sections to which you may submit your abstract:

  • New! Diversity in Dairy
    • Submissions can include original research, teaching, and extension abstracts—as well as literature mini-reviews—that center diverse contributions to dairy, whether it be

      • contributions from scientists past or present,

      • inclusive and equitable teaching for a diverse classroom, or

      • extension that addresses issues of social justice and empowers agricultural communities of color. 

  • Animal Behavior and Well-Being
  • Animal Health
  • Breeding and Genetics
  • Dairy Foods
    • Cheese
    • Chemistry
    • Dairy Products
    • Microbiology
    • Processing
  • Extension Education
  • Forages and Pastures
  • Growth and Development
  • Lactation Biology
  • Physiology and Endocrinology
  • Production, Management, and the Environment
  • Reproduction
  • Ruminant Nutrition
    • Ruminant Nutrition: Calves and Heifers
    • Ruminant Nutrition: Carbohydrates and Lipids
    • Ruminant Nutrition: Gut Physiology, Fermentation, and Digestion
    • Ruminant Nutrition: Proteins/Amino Acids
    • Ruminant Nutrition: General
  • Small Ruminant
  • Teaching/Undergraduate and Graduate Education
  • ADSA Competitions: Graduate Students *Select as your 2nd Section Preference
    • Dairy Foods Oral Competition
    • Dairy Foods Poster Competition
    • Production MS Oral Competition
    • Production PhD Oral Competition
    • Production MS Poster Competition
    • Production PhD Poster Competition
  • ADSA Competitions: Undergraduate Students
    • USD-Dairy Foods Oral Competition
    • USD-Dairy Production Oral Competition
    • USD-Original Research Oral Competition
    • USD-Original Research Poster Competition


If, after reading these instructions, you have any questions regarding submission, please send an email to abstracts@assochq.org.

Latest News

#ADSA2025 early bird registration closes April 4, 2025! 

Are you a professional ADSA member who already registered? You can now add special programming and ticketed events to your registration by logging in to your ADSA dashboard and going to "events" and "my event registrations" to make changes.

Are you a practicing nutritionist seeking cutting-edge, applicable insights to optimize dairy rations for your clients? Join the first-ever applied nutrition symposium and panel discussion focused on feeding high oleic soybeans and balancing diets for milk fat.

The draft symposia list is out now! #ADSA2025 will be held in conjunction with the 2025 Interbull Annual Meeting.  

Review our list of recommended travel options, including details on applying for travel authorizations if you’re headed to #ADSA2025 from outside the US.

Want to host an event at the meeting? Submit your event request for ADSA 2025 today.

Beware of hotel scams! ADSA will never contact you directly about booking a hotel room. If someone calls or emails you about booking a hotel room, they are not from ADSA and are not a legitimate source for booking your hotel reservation.

An invitation letter request form is now available.




